Sunday, February 20, 2011

Waging Storms

Have you ever watched a storm on the ocean? The waves are turned into white caps, the very color of the sea changes as sand is churned upward, and the once docile lapping of the waves have turned into walls of water that crash with such force it’s all you hear.

Does it make you want to head for home and hunker down where you know you will be warm, dry and safe until the storm passes? That’s always what I want to do!

But what if that storm is on the inside, in our soul? No matter where you go, it rages on—you can’t out run the storm within. So many times I’ve had this crazy storm raging inside and no matter where I went or what I tried to do to forget about it- it was there. It didn’t “blow over” or “clear up” on it’s own. That’s why I wanted to write about it, because we need to know WHO can calm the storm and HOW we get to that place where we can find rest, safety and warmth –on the inside.

First, no matter how fierce the gale, how loud the thunder or how scared you might be…God is stronger than the storm.

Psalm 107:29 He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.

God’s power over nature is just a glimmer of His power over our inner storms—how much more can Jesus calm your soul, if He can calm the SEA?! How much bigger is the sea than our little heart? But how much more precious your little heart is than all of the sea? God cares for every last detail of creation, a sparrow doesn’t fall without Him noticing…so how much MORE does he notice when His own child is in pain?
He loves you, more than you will ever know right now, but I’m almost certain, we will know more fully, the depths of His love for us when we arrive in Heaven.

So what do we do NOW, when we are driving to the grocery store and our heart is having a category 5 tornado?

1. Pray. You can pray driving down the highway, just keep your eyes open! Ha ha!

2. Ask. Say, “Father it’s too much, please calm my raging soul, I’m sorry I’ve tried to deal with this on my own, when I know that only You can truly bring what I am desperate for, for peace, for rest and for assurance in your faithful hand…that my life IS worth living. Show me what I need to do in this situation, give me discernment and wisdom to navigate these waters.”

3. Trade your garbage thoughts, like “I totally screwed up my whole life, my marriage is disintegrating, I’m addicted to this or that, my spouse is addicted to this or that, I’ve just received a bad diagnosis, my child is hurting and I can’t seem to help, or I don’t want to live anymore” (any thought that is hopeless, negative in nature or riddled with pain). Give them over to Jesus, He tells us to give Him our heavy burdens. Hand over the storm to Jesus.

Psalm 107:30 They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.

Isn’t this a wonderful verse? After Jesus calms the terrifying storm in our soul, He doesn’t just leave us there…His faithfulness remains as He guides us home.

No matter the size of the storm you are facing now, rejoice because no storm is bigger than our God!

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I'm alive and well.
I'm not in a unhappy marriage.
I'm not in anything permanent.
I can change the way things are.
I can change my outcome.
And most importantly I can ask for GOD'S strenght through it all!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Romans 8

Everyone goes through difficulties and painful situations in life. In fact, scripture tells us that in this world we will have tribulations and trials. I’ve heard it said that the life of faith is not about the absence of problems, but the presence of power—God’s power at work in us leading us to the place of wholeness and victory. He promises to take those things that the enemy meant for evil and turn them around for our good. It says in Romans 8 that He causes all things to work together for our good because we love Him.

“Without God’s perspective, we miss out on some of His greatest lessons found in this tension between joy and tribulation. Think of a car battery. It fulfills its purpose through its power that comes from both a positive and a negative current running through it. When a car battery runs out of power, we give it a jump-start by hooking up both the positive and negative cables. The tension of joy and tribulation in our lives works the same way. We need both positive and negative currents to energize our purpose and call.”

Today, no matter what you may be facing, no matter what you may have been through in the past, God is not the author of destruction; He is the author of life and peace. He didn’t bring that difficulty into your life, but He can use it to launch you forward into your destiny. John 16:33 tells us that even though we have challenges, we can be of good cheer because He has overcome the world and deprived it of power to harm you. When you put your hope in God, you will never be disappointed! Keep your heart and mind open to Him, keep meditating on His Word, and let Him revolutionize your heart and life!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

These Tears I Keep Crying

Why do we as women date retards?
Is it the only species left?
We settle and settle and keep settling till we have nothing left. No standards of your own left and nothing that makes you happy. I use to be happy with myself when I knew I was dating a nice guy that is something to be proud of. I mean you only tolerate what you put up with. So why do I keep tolerating and settling for a guy that I know might keep me happy for a week but later disappointment me? Is it just him or does his family ruin him for me? Why do we keep finding ourselves back together again only to break up and find ourself in the same exact spot. No I dont want to be alone, yeah im tired of fighting, yeah id love to be in your arms right now...But is that where Im suppose to be?
How can you love someone that is so bad for you.