Monday, November 14, 2011

A Good Word

There is a young lady I know who is very creative. She puts on major programs for different organizations to empower women. She's known for being very innovative and always on the cutting edge. But she told me that for many years, she never thought she was creative. She worked as a secretary and thought that was what she would do for the rest of her life. But one day, management asked her to head up the Christmas program they put on for the company every year, and so she did. It was very successful. Everyone loved it and had a great time. Afterwards, a long-time friend came up to her and said, "You are so creative! You are amazing at what you do." Later she told her friend, "You are the first person to ever tell me that I am creative. When you said that, something ignited on the inside."

To the friend, it was a simple and obvious compliment; but to this young lady, it was a supernatural moment. That was God calling out those seeds of greatness inside of her. But it all started when somebody was willing to speak simple, life-giving words.

Today, I'm asking you to be free with your compliments. When you see someone doing a good job, don't just think, "Wow! They're really talented." No, your thoughts don't bless anyone. If that friend would have just thought, "Wow! She's creative," it wouldn't have done this woman any good. Here's the key; a blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken. All around you people are thirsty for life-giving words. People need encouragement. People need approval. They need to hear you say, "I believe in you. You've got an amazing gift. You are great at what you do. I'm proud of you." When people know you believe in them and you speak faith into their destiny, it does something on the inside. It's amazing how sometimes just one compliment, one encouraging word, one "Hey! You're so creative" can be the spark that will push that person toward their divine destiny.

Remember, as believers in Jesus, we are His body, His hands and feet in the earth. We are His voice; we are His representatives. Look for ways to encourage the people around you even if you are the one who needs encouragement. Like seeds, those words of life go out and then a harvest of blessings returns in your own life. Keep speaking, keep loving and keep honoring God with your words and actions and let Him pour out His love and blessing in your own life in return!

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life" (John 6:63, NIV).

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