Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wanted Ad for Help or Answers

Praying for a end in sight and a happy conclusion to all of this mess that has been going on for the past year with my boyfriend/ex. I'm so over it. I just pray that the Lord will protect my heart from any other harm and it will be the best option whatever the conclusion is. I am just tired of being unhappy and uncertain and not able to live life. Lord show me your way and may YOUR WILL be done in my life. I don't want it my way when it comes to THIS relationship. Lord have your way, direct my path, and I ask for guidance with this relationship.
Should I stay or should I go...
Should I leave now, or when...
Is there better out there for me or am I being unreasonable..
Lord is this the one? Then if it is why am I so unhappy/disappointed?
Help me Lord I cry out to you and leave it at your feet

Asking and seeking answers

Monday, December 6, 2010


I just get frustrated.

I'm waiting on something to happen that's never going to happen.

I'm listening to lies that you always tell me.

I'm believing you care about me and want to change and make us work when all you care about is yourself.

I'm sitting here asking myself how do I love two men that are exactly the same.

How do I attract the most selfish men?

I saw a friend I grew up with at work today and it just made me realize how unhappy I am with my life. She has graduated college, she is engaged, she has a good job making good money and she is currently finishing her masters about to be making even more money and even more successful. I am SO jealous. Not in a envious "I hate her" way...Just a I wish I could have a ounce of her success way. Why cant i be successful? Why cant I graduate college? Why haven't I found a decent guy that will treat me good? Why haven't I done anything that I thought I would have by now? I just feel so inadequate and incompetent and like I am not worth a shit. I haven't done anything with my life and the sad thing is I am busting my ass to try to be someone and it isn't working.