Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When we have old hurts in a relationship, we tend to always be looking at that person through a lens of hurt—everything they do or don’t do—is analyzed through that lens. It can cast a shadow of doubt upon the relationship because the old pain is remembered and brought again to the surface. It will seem as if whatever that person does, results in being HURTFUL. Normal things that would otherwise go unnoticed in a healthy relationship, like a delayed call back, will seem like a direct insult. This is because we have been injured and have become extremely sensitive to any action or inaction by that person. It’s like if we have a broken arm and someone bumps into it, normally it wouldn’t bother us at all, but since we have an injury there—ouch! We experience more pain over the “bump” than we would other wise. Our relationships are the same.

How do you get rid of the hurtful lens? How do you heal that old hurt so that you can be well again? What if that person who caused the pain never asked you to forgive them? What if that person doesn’t even know they hurt you? The answer to all of these questions is…Jesus.

We take off the hurt glasses and hand them over to Jesus. Hand it all over to Him who took on every sin the world would ever commit, even as small as hurt feelings, and He will handle it better than any person ever could. Jesus has the ability to heal us (even from the wounds inflicted by others) and to give us a right view of the world and the people in our life. He sees all things, even the depths of our hearts—something we hardly understand ourselves!

I love this verse for that very reason, it describes how we are limited now, but we will see all things clearly later!

1 Corinthians 13:12-13
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

God knows all the details of the relationship that is causing you so much pain, He knows both sides actually- yours and the other person. His understanding, knowledge and wisdom are unmatched. This should give you every confidence in trusting His ways and following His instructions.

Forgiveness, is the biggest freedom fighter out there! Pray and forgive that person who hurt you. Tell yourself it’s okay that you were hurt. Everyone gets hurt in life, no one is immune.

Forgiveness is the antidote to the poison that hurt can become. Knowing this, as soon as you feel slighted or hurt in anyway, forgive that person quickly, regardless if they are sorry or not. This is the best way to live, forgiving quickly and staying free from the bondage of pain.

Of course there are situations that are physically dangerous and we need to make a physical move away from someone one who is harming us. Forgive them AND GET AWAY!

What I’m talking about here are those everyday relationships we all have to face at some point or other.

I know wearing my HURT glasses 24/7 only ended up causing ME more pain because I looked at EVERYONE through them! Be smarter than me, give those old distorted lens to God and He’ll give you 20/20 vision through His love!

Im FORGIVING all of the hurts in my life from family and friends and relationships. Lord help me to forgive as I have been forgiven.

Not keeping any records of wrongs done

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