Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh How He Loves Us

Wondering where your "true friends" are?
How do I make or meet good friends?
Why has a certain friends walked away from me?
Wondering whats wrong with yourself for someone to not want to be friends with you?
Or just simply wondering whats going on in your life?

I was wondering all of these things earlier.
And as always I'm continually seeking answers.
So I found myself on Joel Osteen's daily blog/devotional website and right there is big bold letters spelling it out for me was Joel's latest sermon "God has the right people in your future". I sat and watched the whole thing and this is what I want to pass on incase someone else is seeking like me.

Psalm 139:16 says, "…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." This means that the God we serve is a strategic, detailed God who isn't vague or approximate. No, God has our lives orchestrated down to the very second, causing us to be at the right place at the right time so we can meet the right people that He ordained before the foundation of the world. God has laid out an exact plan for our lives down to the smallest details. He knows the people you're going to need to fulfill your destiny and has it all figured out. Knowing this takes the weight off; you don't have to worry. You don't have to try and make things happen. God is in control. As long as you stay in faith, God will have you at the right place at the right time, and He will bring the right people across your path. As you honor God with your life, His divine plan will unfold. The right people will show up. The right breaks will be there. You will walk into your moments of favor.

God is orchestrating our lives down to the very second, causing us to be at the right place at the right time, to meet the right people.

God knows where you need to be to see your dreams come to pass. God knows the people you need that has the information to propel to your destiny.

As long as you stay in faith God will have you in the right place at the right time and he will bring the right people across your path.

If God wants you to have that job you will..
If God wants you to have that promotion you will..
If God says its time for you to meet that special someone you will..

Quit worrying about your future, quit worrying about who you are going to meet,stop getting frustrated because someone is not on your team, don't think you have to have one person to accomplish something or to be happy. Scripture says its not by OUR might, not by OUR power but its by the Spirit of the living God. God has already lined it up!

God has every page of your life written in his book.

God didn't just toss us on Earth and say go live for 80 or 90 years, then say come up in heaven to be with me. No, God has already planned out every detail of your life down to the very second.

Think of the Solar System and how its rotates and from year to year scientist say its on time down to the millisecond. Day after day, year after year. Our God never changes. Our God is not a approximate God, he is an exact God, a detailed God, a precise God. AND he has planned out mine and your life down to the seconds.

In your future he has marked moments where time and eternity are going to come together and you will meet the person of your dreams. You'll be at the right place and you will get the break you need.

Next week or sometime maybe even next month will be a marked moment for someone and their life will be changed. They will catch the break that they need or find the help they have been looking for or even met the friend that they need in their life.

You might have gone through a difficult time but God has lined up the right person or people for you. What might look like a set back is only going to be a comeback with God.

Even in loss, heartache, and disappointment. God still has the right people lined up. God is not only directing your steps but he has placed other people to be there for you in your time of need.

In times of difficulty God will always have the right people there to help you make it through. God will have someone there to give you inside information. He is not only in control of our life but our enemies life as well. He can causes them to be at the right place and at the right time to use them to our advantage.

-here's to a planned out life by the one that knows it all before we do and always gets it right. I hope your encouraged, it helps me on my bad days.

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