Sunday, December 11, 2011


At what point in life does life start passing us by so fast that we fail to notice or acknowledge it? At first its just the subtle changes around us in every day life, then it’s the people, then its everything around us and before we know it we are surrounded by a bunch of people we hardly even recognize and courses that have changed the outcome of life completely. Are we the only ones not changing?

At what point did we get sucked into the time lapse of inexistence? Is it the day we realized the change? Who’s to say we haven’t changed? Change is the hardest to see when it is of oneself! Is it the subtle changes over time that amount to an epiphany of changes? Why do we measure success in change? Change isn’t always good..right?

I think in human nature we long for change whether it’s positive or not. It’s just up to us to make the best of the situation. But to compare someone’s change over another isn’t equal. After all we aren’t all equal and we all don’t measure up the same. Some have more opportunities than others; some have more drive, and some are fine exactly where they are. So where does that put us? In a journey of changing courses overtime with little or no say to where our course may take us. Its by choices and fate where we end up and who we end up experiencing the change of life with. Sounds like a science experiment instead of something positive like just life.

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