Friday, January 13, 2012

Windows and Frustration

I was about to write a blog post filled with noting but negativity towards myself due to recent situations and the frustration I am feeling. Thank God I read a friends blog before I decided to post in my own. And here are the words I read. Be encouraged and remember, your more beautiful than you know, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine.

You are like a window? Have you ever thought of yourself as a window?
There is a particular hospital in the rural area of Ireland. This hospital holds a large room with a wall of windows; these windows stretched from floor to ceiling.
One of the ladies staying in this room (with the windows) was gazing out admiring the view…this glorious country rural view; she was watching the sunset.
The sunset was so beautiful and she was resting in God while watching His order in nature; His beautiful creation.
She started thinking about heaven and their view; their angle of this sunset.
At this time, someone walks into the room and says, “These windows are shockingly filthy!”
The lady watching God’s sunset through these windows, never even noticed the dirt and streaks on the windows. She was so caught up in the gorgeousness of God’s creation and what was taking place in His works…she never saw the dirt on the windows.
She explains how this is how the Lord sees you. You may look at yourself and see your imperfections and weaknesses…your streaks so to speak…but the Lord is too caught up in your beauty to notice them.
Let me tell you…
We’re all human, we all have streaks, and the key is TO NOT get caught up and focus on them; the view of you is so much bigger and beautiful to look at (then a few streaks here and there).
The Lord can over look these streaks because He can see you and your willingness to become better. The Lord is so close with you, working with you to come up higher. The more you seek Him and come up higher…those streaks will get cleaned and washed away (little by little).
I see when you come to my blog. Your faithfulness to my blog tells me that you want to seek things that make you better and the Lord sees this desire to come up higher too…
…so don’t be so harsh on yourself. Love yourself, accept yourself, and keep seeking goodness. When life gives you a view…don’t notice the streaks…just look outside the window.

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