Heard some great encouraging words from a friend! Thought I'd repost for anyone that reads this.
Think about this, you are a specialist. You are not created to be all things to all people, but to be exactly you at exactly this time in history for exactly the special purpose God has for you! Wow?!Knowing this, that you are a specilist for a specific purpose...don't be awestruck by other people and try to copy them...then it ruins your "special-ness" (and yes, I'm pretty sure that is NOT a word) ha ha! But you get my drift...
What to see a miracle? Look at yourself. The Bible says, "you are fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139:14. Why want to change that "wonderful" to a carbon copy of someone else?
God leads everyone in an individual way, that's why it's so interesting to hear someone's testimony...because they are ALL unique! God loves you just they way you are, but He also loves you too much to leave you the way you are...the Holy Spirit who is also called the Comforter is here to help us learn, grow, improve and become all that God wants for us! You don't have to go it alone...at any point! Huge love to all of you specialists!
Be you, your the only one like you out there...besides everyone else is taken =)
heres to you, heres to me,
always yours
Casey Lynn
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