Tuesday, April 26, 2011


-I don't have anything special to offer.
-I don't have any great talents.
-I'm not the skinniest, the prettiest, or smartest.
-I'm not famous or even popular.
-I don't have many true friends and I don't even know if I am a good friend.
-I haven't been many places or seen many things.
-I don't have interesting stories to tell.
-I cant speak foreign languages.
-I don't have a lot of money.
-I don't have a degree nor a impressive job.
-I'm not married and I don't have any kids.
-I don't have a big close family and I'm not close to anyone in my family.
-I don't have any siblings.
-I have NO ONE.

So what do you do when no one gets it or understands you. How do you carry on in life happy about anything? The only thing I have come up with is this. HE is the only thing I have!!

-I am a child of the most high God. He has a plan for my life. A lot of times I don't see or understand it but it will all work out for the good of the Lord.
-My father above knows the numbers of hairs on my heads and knew the plans of my life before he formed me in the womb and even if I don't have a talent, everyone has a spiritual gift.
-God uses the most ordinary people and makes extraordinary examples out of them. I might not be the prettiest, funniest or even smartest but God can still use me in a extraordinary way.
-Fame and riches will soon one day fade. The earthly things will no longer matter. It really doesn't matter how popular you are, its what you did for heaven here on earth.
-Jesus himself was a loner and didn't have many friends and was even betrayed by his friends. The Lord is always with me and will never forsaken me.
-Ask and the Lord will give you the desires of your heart.
-Money never solves anything and surely want make life easier.
-Ask the Lord the plans and his will for your life and he will guide and direct your path. He will place you where he wants you, it might not be where you think, but he has you where you are for a reason.
-Pray about a husband and kids and he will bring the right one along.
-Pray that you hope to have a close family one day and have a loving close knit family. He knows the desires of your heart.
-Pray for favor in your family relationships and pray that things will open up and improve.
-You life is the way it is for a reason. The Lord sought out out before you were born and knew exactly what you could handle and what you couldn't handle. He will never give you more in life than you can handle and when you feel alone, reach out to HIM and he will give you strength.

just keep on living n loving the lord

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