Monday, April 18, 2011

Praying for Favor

I read a friends blog today that really spoke to me. Im sure at some point in life everyone can relate to this. I hope it helps you as well.

I really struggled with loneliness as I transitioned out of college and into the “real world.” All of my friends were moving away to new jobs, even moving back home or getting married. It seemed like I was the ONLY one who was staying in the same city.

It was also the first time I lived alone. Which was really strange as I felt a little afraid that NO ONE was coming home. It was just me. I was also worried about myself being alone because I fell back into my eating disorder easily when I was alone. Something that was still a snare for me. The anxiety I had about those evenings of being all alone and then the weekend which seemed to never end as I had fewer and fewer friends left in town.

And I wasn’t dating anyone. I felt like a big turd that no one wanted. Who wants a turd anyway? Ha ha! So that little aspect was especially depressing as I watched friends getting engaged and married…aahhh! I often thought, “why not just start collecting my 1,000 cats now?” Ha ha ha!

But here are a few things that helped me, and I hope you try these before you start your cat collection.

What to do?
Pray for fired up Christian friends. I’ve done this many times and God will bring one…then a few months later it dawns on me “oh- I prayed for her, didn’t I? Thank you Lord!”

Get busy. Volunteer at your church for the nursery, join a small group study, join the worship team, or start your own Bible study. Maybe they have other out-reach groups that you would like to join—find out and get involved.
Take some classes, for example, I took a few jewelry making classes that I really enjoyed!

And I think this is important for anyone who is breathing. Ha ha ha! I think we should pray for favor with people. Sometimes when we haven’t had to make a new friend in a long time, we begin to think “why would anyone want to be friends with me? I’m not funny, skinny, rich, pretty, smart or cool” that’s what I would think anyway! But don’t believe those lies from satan. Instead PRAY FOR FAVOR!

Proverbs 3:3-4
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

LOVE and FAITHFULNESS are the keys to FAVOR! Try it!

Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

See? God has ALREADY determined the good works for you to do! He has the PLANS for your life. I truly believe that God plants our dreams in our hearts! And dreams grow best in a heart to serve!

And remember that seasons always change, so if you are struggling in winter right now…hang on…spring is coming!

From the words of a inspiring friend,
to new good friends, a happy life, and FAVOR

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