Friday, April 29, 2011

Help Is On The Way

Feel like your coming in last in the race of life? Feel like you wish you could step into a time machine and change a few choices you made? Ever feel like everyone has it "right" in life and everything you are trying is wrong? I feel like this all too often. Help is on the way!

There is a dangerous little hole we can slip into when we start DWELLING on things in our past that we THINK have caused our CURRENT unhappiness.

Are you stuck in that hole right now? If you are, I have a big stick to help you get out and hopefully avoid falling back in! It’s miserable hole, I KNOW—I’ve been in there all to often!

So how does this happen? I think it starts with the devil, who can really get us when we are unhappy, overwhelmed or just generally frustrated with life. He uses our little unhappiness to bring on a full blown “I hate my life” episode. The he brings to our mind that one or many, pivotal decisions we made in life and we become obsessed with the “if only” I had done this or that type of thinking. It’s a weird circular thinking when we try to reason with our past decisions—and it NEVER helps.

Everyone has things they wished they could DO OVER. I know people who wished they could have a DO OVER for not going to college, for dropping out of college, for marrying this guy or that girl, for not marrying this guy or that girl, for maxing out their credit card, burning bridges that they would later need, the list is endless.

So what can we do? Build a time machine? Nope, in this life the only time travel we get is FORWARD. So allow this rule to help guide your own thoughts….if you can only move forward, why not focus your mind and thoughts on that which is AHEAD!

Even if you think, “well, you have no idea how badly I’ve blown it. There is no hope for me, my past is too messed up.” I’ve got WONDERFUL news for you! God is bigger than any “missed opportunity or mess up” we can EVER do.

No matter what has taken place in your life, God can cause GOOD to come out of it. I say that’s a pretty great deal, we love Him and He does miracles with our messes!

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

So take heart, be encouraged, no matter what you THINK you have done that has messed up your current circumstances—God can cause blessing and benefit to come out of it. We only need to be seeking Him first, obeying His commandments NOW and then watching to see God’s hand intervening, protecting and bringing about good.

We need to be careful with what we allow our minds to dwell on, and it’s too easy to look around and start comparing our very unique life experiences with others who might LOOK like they have it BETTER but they don’t. It’s just that you don’t know what they are dealing with inside, so it APPEARS like they have the perfect life. No body gets a “perfect life” because we haven’t arrived in heaven yet! So hold this little fact in your heart, your life WILL get better because each of us who love the Lord will have a palace in His Kingdom. This life we experience is NOT as good as it gets! It’s going to be AMAZING!

We all have tremendous hope, because God can cause good to come out of ANY circumstances or choices we’ve made. And we have added hope and can be excited for our future because Jesus has gone to prepare a place in His Father’s Kingdom for us. Your palace awaits! I love THINKING about that! And He’s coming back to get us! Yayness =)

John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you."I pray that God would heal any lingering pain from past decisions, and that His love, peace and joy would fill your heart right now!

I pray that God would heal any lingering pain from past decisions, and that His love, peace and joy would fill our hearts right now!


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