Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I Think God Uses Blogs Sometimes....

With the past few weeks going like they have been and with how things have been going this week, I cant help but be discouraged and feel at lost with life/where I am going/what I am doing and question the reason for me even being here on earth. Now I know it sounds a little harsh and "emo" but lets be real, we all think about it time to time and wonder what is the glue that holds us together so to say when times get tough. I guess I am still figuring out my glue so to say and what keeps me going this past couple of weeks. I cant help but notice everywhere I turn my eyes I see almost the same words or message. Coincidence, maybe...on purpose, PROBABLY.

Example one...from Joel Osteen's daily blog

Do you ever feel like something is lost or missing in your life? Even after giving your heart to Him, maybe there's an uncomfortable emptiness on the inside that you can't quite put your finger on. Sometimes when you face difficult situations, it's easy to get overwhelmed in your thinking, wishing you could have done something differently. We can lose confidence or joy because of accusing voices or past mistakes. Oftentimes, people try to either fill or escape the emptiness by choosing things that bring pleasure for the moment, but only lead to more emptiness.

If that's you, and you feel emptiness in any area of your life, I want you to know that Jesus Himself is on a mission on your behalf today. Luke 19:10 says that He came to seek and save that which was lost. Not only is He out to save souls, He's out to restore joy, peace, confidence and strength. He's on a search and rescue mission for your relationships, broken dreams and missed opportunities. He wants to save your health, your finances, and totally renew every area of your life!

Today, if there are some areas in which you don't feel complete, if there are some missing pieces or you feel lost, I want to encourage you to open your heart and mind to what God can do in your life. If you feel like you don't have any options, there's always the God option. Align yourself with Him in your mind, will and emotions. Be still and meditate on His goodness because He's working behind the scenes on your behalf to seek and restore everything that was lost!

Example Two...from a dear sweet Christian friend of mines blog I follow
What am I doing here?

Sometimes it’s easy to start wondering, “why am I here? what am I even doing in this life? Does it even matter?”

YES! It ALL matters. You are no mistake. You are alive at this point in history for a purpose that God chose long before your mom even knew she was pregnant!

God chose YOU before the foundations of the world. Incredible!!! GOD Himself planned you to be here!

Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

God has ALREADY chosen the GOOD work for us to do! We just need to walk out in faith and do it!

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Example Three...from another sweet cheerful Christian friend of mines blog I follow. She always has the coolest ways of putting things to encourage others.

She was talking about in her post about seeing a breath taking sunset and being taken back by its beauty and thought about how the sunset doesn't look so amazing without the clouds. And how the clouds are just plain and grey and often times dark. BUT....with the clouds, the sun has something to soak up and reflect and this beautiful color and light. And that is how our lives are too!
"without the clouds in our life, we wouldn't have beautiful sunsets of inspiration and beauty!"

No matter what is going on in your life: relationship problems,heartbreak, loss, financial troubles, feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, feelings that are out of control, family problems.
Be encouraged by these stories of "storm clouds" in people's lives, that have really been beautiful sunsets of opportunity just waiting for the sun to go down to make them shine.

A single and broke mama, who started making and selling sandwiches out of her home because she suffered from Agoraphobia...went from a former bank teller to cook at a Best Western Hotel...to the now famous, Paula Dean with a cooking empire. And she found her true love and soul mate along the way!

Paula Dean suffered a lot of the things on the list, but she didn't give up.
she didn't say.."oh now I'm so alone!"...
she didn't say now I don't have a husband...I can't make it.
she didn't say...now I don't have a job, we're going to be homeless.
she put on her big girl pants...
realized what she loved....COOKING...
and found a way to start doing what she loved...
she had a kitchen..
she had skills
she had a desire
she had to do something because she only had $200 to her name
she had fear of leaving her house...but that didn't stop her.
and now she has become successful because of every STORM CLOUD in her life that made the sun shine a beautiful sunset of success!

AND ALL THOSE CLOUDS made for the most beautiful sunset in her life every day!!!

SO today...rejoice for the clouds...they are bringing a beautiful sunset for you!

God has a beautiful sunset waiting to sparkle success in your life....let's just be thankful for the clouds that are going to make our sunset amazing!!!

to happiness, life with a purpose, and good things coming...
always yours

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