Monday, June 6, 2011

Just Getting Started...

Just trying to start this Monday right!
Its so easy to get discourage right away on a Monday. Its the start of a new week. Instead of being liberated at the thought of the endless possibilities the week can hold I think we stumble on the uncertainty of what is exactly going to happen and why should I be happy.

We look at other peoples lives and judge. We think they have it a lot better then we do. More advantages, better choices, and most importantly, happiness. We always assume the person next to us is considerably a lot happier then us.When in reality they could be just as miserable or feel worse then we do. There is a lady I know that survived a traumatic plane crash, she was left in a coma for 5 months and woke up to 80% of her body scared and forever changed, especially her beautiful face. I read her blog day after day to only be jealous of the beautiful life she has. Its heart wrenching. From the outside if you were to pass her in a store most people wouldn't say Id love to change places with her in life. I mean who would ask to be in a plane crash and have to experience what this beautifully brave woman has had to go through, not her or anyone I know. But looking into her life by means of her blog she has 4 beautiful kids, a great husband, a simple but generous life, and more loving people around her then she could count. I truly hope to have that one day.

From one of my favorite characters, Carrie Bradshaw marrying the infamous Big to women all over the world settling and marrying men we don't need to. Where are our lives going? How fast are they going? And mostly importantly...WHEN WILL WE GET THERE!?!

Like Charlotte said in Sex and the City...I'm tired of waiting. Ive been waiting my whole life for HIM. When will he get here and show up...I'M EXHAUSTED.

As all of these stories, characters, and people race through my mind along with my own battles I try to remember and stay grounded in this advice. I don't have the answers and I'm pretty sure if you are like me and looking for the answers to any of those listed above we want ever truly get them. We just have to wait. Close our eyes, walk blindly through life expecting the best, preparing for the worst, and just maybe somewhere along the line something great and wonderful will happen.

When things looks dark, when all the odds are against you, when life seems unfair, that's not the time to get depressed. That's not the time to start complaining. That's the time to turn up your praise! That's the time to say, "Lord, You are good! You are in control! You're bigger than my enemies, and nothing can stand against You!" Friend, praise can break the chains of the past. Praise can bring down walls that are locked. Praise can turn enemies into friends. Praise can break addictions. Praise can bring healing. Praise activates God's favor. No matter what you are facing today, even if things look impossible, the key to breaking free is to keep singing, keep praising, keep rejoicing and keep trusting because God is working behind the scenes. Declare His praises because He is ready to lead you out into freedom in every area of your life!

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