Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Who Pushed The Pause Button in Life...?

Circumstances or situations that feel like they are NEVER going to change...

I feel like a lot of times I am stuck in this same rut in life and everything and everyone around me is changing. I feel like my friend are graduating college, getting great jobs, finding their soul mate and living happily ever after with their cute little family and prefect little jobs. But in all of these seemly “perfect” situations, they ALL eventually have felt like me, stuck in rut or down in a hole.

Here’s a good reminder, things ALWAYS change. No matter how permanent they feel, they will change.

As the old saying goes “this to shall soon PASS” which is a great way to put things that come into our lives that have that “suffocating-it’s-never-gonna- change” effect on us.

The truth is that God is continually working in our life, that He has a good plan for us and it’s not to harm us, but to bless and prosper us. God loves us and scripture says that He wants to give us the desires of our hearts—but we must SEEK Him first. Before we seek to get out of high school, before we want to “get into the real world,” before we want a spouse, before we want children…insert your “it’s never gonna change” situation here. We all have them!

Remember to keep your eyes fixed on God and rest your hearts desires in His hands. There is no on else…EVER…who can make the impossible, possible. And there is no one else that can turn a broken life into a beautiful mosaic. Our God is a God of restoration, healing and HOPE. Hope that right now, in this very moment, He cares. He loves you. And He is actively working in your life. Just be still and know that He is. He is the Great I AM. No circumstance can contain the God of the Universe!

Let’s learn to look beyond our current circumstances
and see the possibilities with an all powerful, all knowing and ever present God.

Matthew 17:20 “If you have faith, nothing shall be impossible for you.”

hope, faith, and understanding that our best days are AHEAD of us...
always yours,

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