Thursday, September 29, 2011

Looking UP instead of DOWN

"One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
~ Sigmund Freud

Someone told me that I had to stop looking from side to side and I needed to look up to God. Yes, I needed to raise my face to God. Oh Yeah...God, remember him? God, the one who hears me, sees me, cares for me, and above all understands what is best for me. I used to get so upset that I would want to fix the situation myself and I was looking all around for the answers or solution, but the solution wasn’t looking from side to side or looking to my friends for help, it was by letting go and looking up.

I’ve learned through experience that it is best to wait on God’s timing. I don’t want to look from side to side trying to figure out my solution, because that means I’m stepping out of God’s timing. If I step out of God’s timing, then I don’t have his grace. If I don’t have God’s grace, then the ‘solution’ I fought to find is going to crumble. When it crumbles, then I’m back to square one. My plans should crumble, because God’s plans are better than my plans, his ways are better than my ways. Look up and know that you are cared for. Be patient for your breakthroughs. Stop worrying over your concerns. Looking up instead of side to side.

looking up instead of down

Monday, September 26, 2011


Lord I pray that if this man is not suppose to be apart of my life long term that the relationship would end. Lord If this man is not who you have for me I pray that he and I would loose interest before either one develop feelings and get hurt. Lord If I am currently in love with the wrong person right now I pray for a way out of the situation. I pray for the courage to be able to end it and the peace to know that you have someone better for me. Lord for the first time in my life I pray for your will be done in my relationships instead of my own. Your way is better than my own lead, guide and direct me Father and protect your daughters heart. Thank You Father for your love. Amen

Oh How Things Change

One of my favorite stories told by Joel Osteen.

A couple of years ago, I was at an amusement park with our two children. We were waiting in a very long line for a popular ride. At first, it was a single-file line, but when we got closer to the front, everyone bunched up into a small room to wait to get on the ride. The room was about 20' x 20'. We were the first ones in this new batch, and so we naturally just walked up to the front area of the little room. But when the other people came from behind us, most of them kids, they were so excited and so anxious about getting on that ride that somehow they maneuvered their way in front of us. Now I'm more laid back, and I wasn't going to get in there and fight with them or try to "stand our ground." But when all the people finished shoveling in, we ended up at the very back of the room—right where we came in. In a couple of minutes, a young lady who worked the ride came in, made some announcements, and gave us instructions about what was going to happen. Then she said, "Is everybody ready to go?" and everybody said, "Yeah!" She said, "Okay, turn around and go back out the doors you just came in." The very doors we were standing in front of. Of course, I wanted to say, "Nanny-nanny-boo-boo" to all those kids, but we were just happy to get on the ride. I thought we would be last, but we ended up being first.

I've found that a lot of times life works out just like that. You may be headed somewhere in your life, and it looks like people or circumstances are pushing you back. It may seem like you're getting further and further away from where you want to be. But all God has to do is change the direction of the wind, and you'll be first in line. That's God's favor on your life. He can turn things around and make you first in line for a new job opportunity, a new home, a new relationship or a medical miracle. Today, you may feel like you're in the back of the line and nothing is going your way, but get ready because God is about to turn things around for you!

So the last will be first, and the first will be last (Matthew 20:16, NIV).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

If Only...

I just watched a movie filled with so much of what we deem as an ideal life its unreal.
Fancy top of the line clothes.
Husbands that seem perfect; say the right things, are romantic, dapper and very classy.
Wonderful houses filled with expensive furniture and exquisite art.
A beautiful city with endless options of things to do.
And most importantly three extremely close friends to share it all with.

Whats does one do or think of after viewing a fictitious life like such?
One wishes and dreams it was your life. A life filled with adventure, endless options, friends that are always there, and enough money to buy you happiness otherwise.
What is the underlying meaning?

Many days I feel that my life is not how I planned it and that none of my dreams are ever going to happen. And every time something goes wrong and I feel like I am being pulled away from my dreams and bright future, little do I know, I am being taken away because God has bigger and better dreams for my life than I could even think of!

IF something is going wrong or if you feel like it's failing or being taken away - it's only because it needs to, because something BIGGER, more AMAZING is in your future!

Ive seen some of the most beautiful things happen to people that had nothing but crappy stuff going on prior.

But first before we can have this amazing life God has promised and planned for us we need to get out minds right and believe its coming our way before it even happens. Your words and your thoughts are more powerful than you think. Stop telling yourself you life is too messed up or your too old to do this or that or you don't deserve better than your current situation. Because you do deserve better!

My future is going to be amazing.
Happiness is waiting on me.
My dreams will come true!
And I most definitely refuse to settle for ordinary
God has a plan for my life and I most definitely will live to see it come to pass.
Im not worried about what " the Jones" have, I will work with what I have and live the fabulous life that the Lord has given me. God's gift to us was life, its up to us what we do with it. Live it and make it yours. Don't wish and waste your life focusing on what others have or how they have made it. Make your own and fancy yours up.

I love you...and I want you to know how every failure, hurt, disappointment, or sadness, will just make your success story that much more amazing!

"My future is going to be amazing. More happiness is waiting for me, my dreams will come true because I REFUSE to settle for ordinary! I will only settle for AMAZING! And I'm not gonna stop saying this until I've caught up with my AMAZING future!"

fabulously living,

Saturday, September 24, 2011


"Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness."
~ Ram Dass

"Worthiness, in very simple terms, means, I have found a way to let the Energy reach me, the Energy that is natural, reach me. Worthiness, or unworthiness, is something that is pronounced upon you by you. You are the only one that can deem yourself worthy or unworthy. You are the only one who can love yourself into a state of allowing, or hate yourself in a state of disallowing. There is not something wrong with you, nor is there something wrong with one who is not loving you. You are all just, in the moment, practicing the art of not allowing, or the art of resisting."
~ Esther Hicks


A lot has happened the past week and Lord I haven't for one second forgot you.
Lord your will be done and by your ways not my own.
I pray for the life changing decisions I have to make soon. I pray for your
guidance Lord. Show me your will and your way for me Father and I pray
for the courage and peace to carry it out. Your moving in big ways in my life
Father teach me and show me my weaknesses and areas I need to address.
Thank You Lord from where you have brought me and where you are taking
me. I might not be where I want to be but I am not where I use to be.
The worst of me was succeeded by the best you of.
My future is in your hands.

-I am not in control the Lord is. He is bigger than
my situation or any problem I can ever have.

-Give %100 percent at everything you do. Anyone you come
in contact with, work with, say hello to. Give it your all.

-Change your outlook of your situation instead of trying to
run away from or change your situation.

We're prone to want God to change out circumstances, but he wants to change our character. We think that peace come from the outside in, but it comes from the inside out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011



Welcome to the world of upgrades.
I cant turn my head without seeing something about upgrades, updates or new versions. I turn my phone on and BAM...you have 6 new pending updates. I turn my computer on and BAM, " welcome, click here to update your computer to the new 10.0".
Its everywhere!!!
If you go to a fast food restaurant they ask do you want to super size it.
Its even at the gas station pumps: Regular, Plus, and Premium.
Its on the cars were driving; regular cars or the deluxe edition.
Everybody wants the best. But is the best always whats really best for you..?
And how do we know what's best for us?
Materialistic things its debatable and doubtful. With upgrades and top of the line things comes a price and we have to ask our self how much are we willing to pay, and we all know with price comes responsibility, and with responsibility there is a fine line. Having the best of the best is a never ending cycle, everything is evolving and constantly changing to compete to stay in the game so to say. But what about life? What are we doing to upgrade our life, from a non material stand point? Character wise/inner self wise what are we doing to upgrade ourselves to "stay in the game"?
I know at some point in life we all reach that stage where we feel like we are living the same days out over and over. So what do we do about it? I think we try to change our SURROUNDINGS instead of US. We take a different route home from work to change up the monotony. We call up a friend we haven't seen in a while to reconnect. We might even go as far as searching for houses in a different state to try to do that move we always wanted to do but never did. Is any of these the answer to our redundant lifestyle, NO. I think its a temporary fix to a permanent solution. In turn I think we should focus on changing ourselves instead of trying to change everything around us.

What are you doing that's working on yourself to better you?

like Gandhi once said

Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

the latest and the greatest, running on 10.0

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Someone Like You

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday it was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over, yeah.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
"I'll remember", you said,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

Friday, September 9, 2011

a second to late or a moment too soon

How we spend our days is how we will spend our lives.

How are you spending your days? Are you happy, sad, or miserable? Are you doing something that you don't want to be doing in your future? Are you investing in something that isn't worth investing in?
I never really considered this quote until a few minutes ago. I read it days ago on a website and just re-read it again and the words hit me. I don't know about you but how I am spending my days right now I DON'T want it to continue into my future and become my life. Its easy to push aside right now because I say it want last forever but what we do today echo's into eternity. Before we know it weeks have passed, weeks turn into months, months into years, then we realize we are living with what we thought we never would live with. It's not just how we are spending our lives, its who we are spending our lives with and how we think, talk and everything.

Right now I ask myself am I happy how I am spending my days?
Am I happy with my view towards life?
Am I happy with the people I am spending it with? Spending days with them could turn into spending my life with them.
How I view my situation right now could turn into how I live my life.

I cant help but feel that God wants better for me. As his child he wants the very best for us. Don't sell yourself short. Don't wait it out. The hurt, the regret, the lack of something that you aren't receiving. It doesn't have to be that way forever. God wants to give you all of those things. We first have to be willing to let go and trust in HIM. If you have been done wrong, talked down to, belittled, beaten, forgotten, felt like you weren't good enough. YOU are more than GOOD enough. You were made exactly the way you are for a reason and God knows the right person for you that will love you and celebrate you for being you. If your in a bad relationship, bad marriage, abusive marriage, broken home, recent widowed, divorced, or feel like your alone in life I pray for God's direction for in this hard time. Your not alone, he's there...he's with you everyday. I promise he's working behind the scenes for you to come out on top. Just remember HE has a plan to prosper you, give you HOPE and a FUTURE. Sometimes we think we have gone far beyond mess up and there's no way it could turn around. Ask God friend, you'll be amazed at what he can do. What seems big in our eyes is small to HIM because he sees the big picture. I imagine him saying "ohhh I got this"...let HIM have it friend trust in the Lord with every last detail and choice in your life. Commit your life and your choices to God, I promise he will show up. With that said..say it till you feel it "GOOD THINGS ARE COMING"

waiting on those good things coming my way