Friday, September 9, 2011

a second to late or a moment too soon

How we spend our days is how we will spend our lives.

How are you spending your days? Are you happy, sad, or miserable? Are you doing something that you don't want to be doing in your future? Are you investing in something that isn't worth investing in?
I never really considered this quote until a few minutes ago. I read it days ago on a website and just re-read it again and the words hit me. I don't know about you but how I am spending my days right now I DON'T want it to continue into my future and become my life. Its easy to push aside right now because I say it want last forever but what we do today echo's into eternity. Before we know it weeks have passed, weeks turn into months, months into years, then we realize we are living with what we thought we never would live with. It's not just how we are spending our lives, its who we are spending our lives with and how we think, talk and everything.

Right now I ask myself am I happy how I am spending my days?
Am I happy with my view towards life?
Am I happy with the people I am spending it with? Spending days with them could turn into spending my life with them.
How I view my situation right now could turn into how I live my life.

I cant help but feel that God wants better for me. As his child he wants the very best for us. Don't sell yourself short. Don't wait it out. The hurt, the regret, the lack of something that you aren't receiving. It doesn't have to be that way forever. God wants to give you all of those things. We first have to be willing to let go and trust in HIM. If you have been done wrong, talked down to, belittled, beaten, forgotten, felt like you weren't good enough. YOU are more than GOOD enough. You were made exactly the way you are for a reason and God knows the right person for you that will love you and celebrate you for being you. If your in a bad relationship, bad marriage, abusive marriage, broken home, recent widowed, divorced, or feel like your alone in life I pray for God's direction for in this hard time. Your not alone, he's there...he's with you everyday. I promise he's working behind the scenes for you to come out on top. Just remember HE has a plan to prosper you, give you HOPE and a FUTURE. Sometimes we think we have gone far beyond mess up and there's no way it could turn around. Ask God friend, you'll be amazed at what he can do. What seems big in our eyes is small to HIM because he sees the big picture. I imagine him saying "ohhh I got this"...let HIM have it friend trust in the Lord with every last detail and choice in your life. Commit your life and your choices to God, I promise he will show up. With that said..say it till you feel it "GOOD THINGS ARE COMING"

waiting on those good things coming my way

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