Sunday, September 25, 2011

If Only...

I just watched a movie filled with so much of what we deem as an ideal life its unreal.
Fancy top of the line clothes.
Husbands that seem perfect; say the right things, are romantic, dapper and very classy.
Wonderful houses filled with expensive furniture and exquisite art.
A beautiful city with endless options of things to do.
And most importantly three extremely close friends to share it all with.

Whats does one do or think of after viewing a fictitious life like such?
One wishes and dreams it was your life. A life filled with adventure, endless options, friends that are always there, and enough money to buy you happiness otherwise.
What is the underlying meaning?

Many days I feel that my life is not how I planned it and that none of my dreams are ever going to happen. And every time something goes wrong and I feel like I am being pulled away from my dreams and bright future, little do I know, I am being taken away because God has bigger and better dreams for my life than I could even think of!

IF something is going wrong or if you feel like it's failing or being taken away - it's only because it needs to, because something BIGGER, more AMAZING is in your future!

Ive seen some of the most beautiful things happen to people that had nothing but crappy stuff going on prior.

But first before we can have this amazing life God has promised and planned for us we need to get out minds right and believe its coming our way before it even happens. Your words and your thoughts are more powerful than you think. Stop telling yourself you life is too messed up or your too old to do this or that or you don't deserve better than your current situation. Because you do deserve better!

My future is going to be amazing.
Happiness is waiting on me.
My dreams will come true!
And I most definitely refuse to settle for ordinary
God has a plan for my life and I most definitely will live to see it come to pass.
Im not worried about what " the Jones" have, I will work with what I have and live the fabulous life that the Lord has given me. God's gift to us was life, its up to us what we do with it. Live it and make it yours. Don't wish and waste your life focusing on what others have or how they have made it. Make your own and fancy yours up.

I love you...and I want you to know how every failure, hurt, disappointment, or sadness, will just make your success story that much more amazing!

"My future is going to be amazing. More happiness is waiting for me, my dreams will come true because I REFUSE to settle for ordinary! I will only settle for AMAZING! And I'm not gonna stop saying this until I've caught up with my AMAZING future!"

fabulously living,

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