Monday, June 21, 2010

When It Rains It Pours?!?

You ever feel like everything your doing is in vein?
I do, and especially have here lately. Seems like nothing is going right and I feel like the saying "when it rains, it pours" applies to my life right now. I feel like a fish swimming upstream...its just not working, and its not easy. How am I suppose to handle all of this crazy crap that's going on in my life at once? Like today for example. I just bought a new car. I haven't even had it for a month. I go to crank it this morning and the dang thing wont crank. Okay take in mind I live with my parents and all I had to do was go inside and call dad and ask him what to do, or drive his truck BUT what if that WASN'T the case. What if I lived alone. What if I wasn't married or had a boyfriend to call. Who would I call, what would I do. I don't have a second car, I don't have anyone to call, and I cant fix cars. I hate feeling that helpless. I mean I know there are people out there in situations like so but what do they do. I would crumble!!
We have all been in situations like so and I'm telling you today if you feel like me right now and just want to give up. DON'T If I was there these are the words I would say...

be strong in the Lord and,
never give up hope,
you're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
don't live life in fear,
forgive and forget,
but don't forget why you're here,
take your time and pray,
these are the words I would say,

last time we spoke,
you said you were hurting,
and I felt your pain in my heart,
I want to tell you,
that I keep on praying,
love will find you where you are,
I know cause I've already been there,
so please hear these simple truths,

be strong in the Lord and,
never give up hope,
you're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
don't live life in fear,
forgive and forget,
but don't forget why you're here,
take your time and pray,
these are the words I would say,

Just remember...Everything happens for a reason and although we feel defeated by the tragedies presented to us in life, we must always remember that for every action there is a reaction and NOTHING we do is EVER in vein.

to hope, happiness, and carefree days
always yours
Casey Lynn

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