Monday, June 7, 2010

When You Cant Go On...

Sometimes words escape me and I don't even have encouraging words to tell myself. On those days you have to look back in the memory archives and pull out words that keep you going. I look all around me right now at people. Some look happy and some look just as sad as I have felt the past few days. I client of mine told me this today and it broke my heart..she said " its everywhere, everyone feels like that Casey", no one is happy"! Well I'm here saying a little prayer for you and my sweet little friend that told me that today. I pray that anyone that reads this is happy and finds true everlasting happiness. Don't give up. Good things are coming and life's rainbows always come out after the big storms.

I want you to know, if you feel like giving up...DON'T - that sad time will pass. You WILL feel happy again. Everyone I know has gone through a sad time, that they felt that the pain was too much, and they didn't want to go on.

Be reminded that nothing you've done is too awful, God gives you a fresh day with no guilt, no shame, he just wants to love you and for you to love him in return. He takes you as your are and meets you in the middle. He's the master of "Mr. Fix It"

If no one else it telling you it's okay...I AM
It's okay, whatever your heart hurts about...it's okay. Nothing is TOO big for God to handle. If you feel like it's too much, like you can't go on...don't go on it alone. If no one is there, sometimes God removes everyone there could be to talk to, so the only one left (the most important one) is HIM.
You will be happy again. You will feel like going on, I promise!
I love you!! You're precious!! And if no one else has told you how amazing you are...I did! You're amazing, loved, and have amazing things to do in this world!

the great thing about today is it ends tonight and tomorrow is a new day...

too many happy days, a life of purpose, and all your amazing dreams coming true
always yours
Casey Lynn

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