Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Take A Hint?

I got really discourage today! Yesterday was a nightmare. It was the start of the summer semester, well kind of. Thursday was actually the "start" but I slept through both of my classes on accident...yeah great, I know! Well anyway I was at work today telling a guy friend of mine that had read a post I had posted on facebook about how horrible yesterday was and he simply told me it might be a hint..? For some reason I took it as take a hint and give up, quit school, its for your best interest! Now I know it wasnt probably meant in that way but WOW did it hurt. Of course I automatically start thinking, maybe he's right. Maybe I dont have what it takes. Who am I joking. I cant this, I cant that, Im not good enough etc. But then I thought to myself if everything was given to us in life and easy or we didnt have to work for anything then what would be the point in life? I believe nothing we do is ever in vein. For every action there is a reaction. So if your on the verge of giving up, or your thinking that these dreams you have just cant come true I say different!
There is a reason YOU have those specific dreams, goals, and doing what your doing now! Keep your hopes alive and your heart and chin even higher...No matter what is going on. Think of it as getting you stronger and more prepared for GREATNESS!!! I believe in you and love you, even if no one else told you that today..I did! Go take on the world! Your meant for greatness.

too high hopes, big dreams, and it all coming true
always yours
Casey Lynn

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