Monday, September 27, 2010


Here today and gone tomorrow....

A guy I went to school withs step mother and his father and 17 year old sister were found dead yesterday in their house. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Died in their sleep sometime during the night. Life is so unpredictable. Here today gone tomorrow. Its sad. What if we don't get to finish or say what we intended to say or do the next day? My heart breaks for their family and friends. My thoughts and prayers are with them. I pray for comfort and understanding in this tough time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Is ready for change...I really need some change in my life Lord


Friday, September 24, 2010

the last time...

I hate the fact that I have to drive the back roads behind my ex-boyfriends house so that I am not tempted to look and see if he is home on my way home...

I hate the fact that I expect to see him driving around town...

I hate the fact that when I go to grab a t-shirt out of my clean laundry stack I always grab his shirt that he kept at my house...

I hate the fact that MY car reminds me of HIM...

And why in the heck do I wish that he'd be in my bed with me for just one more night?

Just to reassure myself and once again remind myself of the things I passed up I will compile a list..maybe for future reference. But I'm claiming this the last post "deep thoughts" on him.

-Do you want to date someone that is all about them self?

-Do you want to date a guy that believes you watching him play 5 hours of Xbox is a fun Friday night?

-Do you want to get involved with a guy that's parents have no interest in getting to know you better or even talking to you after you've dated 7 months?

-Do you want to date or get involved with a guy that doesn't have the same religious beliefs as you or even make a point to go to church with you?

-Do you want to date a guy that is a MAN but still has no responsibility because his parents do everything for him and enable him?

-Do you want to date a guy with no vision in life or goals?

-Do you want to date a guy you cant talk to about everything?

-Do you want to date a guy that doesn't make you feel appreciated at all?

There is better and the Lord and has promised you better!
He hasn't forgotten you or forsaken you. Maybe this relationship was a test and a lesson. Don't be bitter and don't hate that person that hurt you forever. He was sent in your life for a reason and you were in his for a reason as well. We might never know why and I am not asking for answers anymore as to why the Lord sen HIM and how he could allow him to hurt me so bad. I am past that, I am not looking for answers I am looking for healing in the Lord and at the future. The Lord binds the broken hearted.

to healing hearts,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Dont See Myself When I Look In Your Eyes...Thank God For That

What do you do when you get rid of the thing that was making you unhappy and your still unhappy? How long do you give yourself to get over the losing someone to unhappiness before you evaluate your life to see if your happy without them like you thought you'd be? Could it have just been that person alone making us unhappy or were we unhappy before them and did we throw out a good chance at something.

The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving...

Why do hang on to things we know want work? And what about the crappy situations we put ourself in! Seems like the guys that lie,cheat, and hurt us are the relationships we want to work the most. Whats the reasoning in that!?
If I know he made me unhappy and I know that we weren't compatible then why was I so determined to work at it and what made me want and love him even more? Where does all that love come from for one person that just isn't right for you? After its all said and done I'm not bitter, I don't regret dating him and wouldn't change things. I just don't know what to do with the hurt and emptiness inside I feel for that person. I have never felt more wounded by someone or something. It seems the older we get the more we hurt after failed relationships. Pray for me and my shattered heart!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


~Some of the most beautiful flowers grow alone and out poop.
If your alone and in a shitty situation take heart that out of some of the most alone and literally crappy situations comes the most beautiful things. Look at some of the most beautiful flowers and plants that grow out of poo! If a flower can do it you and I can to!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

FATE.....Is That You?

Today was another average day for the most part. I woke up uncertain what time I was suppose to be at work..of course after much scorning from myself for forgetting to bring home my work schedule I immediately text my co-worker to ask him what time I was suppose to come in. I wait and wait and wait. Was it 10:30 or 11:30 or was it 1:00? So I start getting ready. I was ready and left the house to be at work at 10:30when I get the text 11:30! Well great, now what!?! So I decided to go by the Starbucks near work and grab a cup of coffee until time to go in. I go and like most visit at Starbucks there are always a mixed crowd of people in there. Business people, college students studying, etc. I grab my coffee and sit down ready to enjoy the silence and peace of being alone and left with my thoughts until work until the man beside me strikes up conversation. Turns out he works at the hospital I work at and in the same building I do, as a matter of fact...right behind my office. WEIRD..I know! We make small talk and chat about sports and he mentions he's from out of town and just moved here...like as in a week ago. Really new to the area I'd say. Long story short we talk get to know each other and swap numbers before we depart in the promise of hanging out soon and showing him around. Times like these I don't think of it as a possible new boyfriend or even friend really. Lets face it I may never talk to the guy again. But it makes me wonder about FATE and how God places people in your life for a reason. Whether it be years or just a season, there is always a reason! And that's what keeps me excited in life...the unexpected wonderful things the Lord does day to day in our lives. Whether it be taking away or adding someone or something in our life, its all apart of his will and at just the right time sometimes you can see into what he's doing.

to fate, happiness, and hope for a bright future
Casey Lynn

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Writing what I live...Living what I write

Feels like I am at a turning point in life. Things have got to change and get better. Nothing stays unsolved forever and people never stay miserable the rest of their life unless they choose so. These hards times are for a reason and it will all make sense one day. I am on the right path..Im trying, Im doing my best, Im trying to better myself, and most importantly I am seeking God in all of these hard and confusing times. He knows the answers and know knows my path. All I can ask for is strenght through it all.