Sunday, December 11, 2011


At what point in life does life start passing us by so fast that we fail to notice or acknowledge it? At first its just the subtle changes around us in every day life, then it’s the people, then its everything around us and before we know it we are surrounded by a bunch of people we hardly even recognize and courses that have changed the outcome of life completely. Are we the only ones not changing?

At what point did we get sucked into the time lapse of inexistence? Is it the day we realized the change? Who’s to say we haven’t changed? Change is the hardest to see when it is of oneself! Is it the subtle changes over time that amount to an epiphany of changes? Why do we measure success in change? Change isn’t always good..right?

I think in human nature we long for change whether it’s positive or not. It’s just up to us to make the best of the situation. But to compare someone’s change over another isn’t equal. After all we aren’t all equal and we all don’t measure up the same. Some have more opportunities than others; some have more drive, and some are fine exactly where they are. So where does that put us? In a journey of changing courses overtime with little or no say to where our course may take us. Its by choices and fate where we end up and who we end up experiencing the change of life with. Sounds like a science experiment instead of something positive like just life.

Waiting Here For YOU....

I cant remember if I have posted this or not but I ran across it on the hard drive of my computer. As crazy as this sounds this is a note to yourself Casey! This is YOU! This is what YOU STAND FOR! This is what YOU WANT! This is what YOU WILL GET if you are patient! GOOD THINGS ARE COMING....

So much to say but the words can’t form. So many thoughts but no actions come. So many feelings and no release. You ask me my thoughts but you don’t listen, you never truly listen. You don’t want to hear my thoughts. Yeah, they might be about you but they aren’t good thoughts. You would probably actually be shocked at what I really do think of you. It amazes me too. Your like a bad train wreck derailing, you know you need to get away from it and you know you don’t need to watch it but you do anyway. Your drawn in, not by the good but your sucked in by the bad. So the million dollar question… Why stick around? Why stay? I have no clue. A friend of yours asked me how long we had been together. I reply over a year and a half on and off. He says on and off? Yeah! He says well he’s lucky to have you, you’re a beautiful girl! Beauty only gets you so far and luck doesn’t mean a thing if he never tells you he appreciates you. If anything Ive figured out you cant change what hurts you, change you so it doesn’t hurt you anymore.

What hurts me?

I want someone that is genuine.

I want someone that really does care for me.

I want someone that isn’t selfish.

I want someone that loves the Lord.

I want someone that wants to commit to me.

I want someone that I can trust.

I want someone that makes me want to be a better person.

I want someone that appreciates me.

I want someone that I don’t have to prove anything to.

I want someone that will communicate with me.

So instead of trying to change someone into something he isn’t and get my feelings hurt for him being the opposite of what I want, I need to BE and find someone like I want them.

-To find someone genuine I need to be genuine. Not only with people but with myself. If something isn’t right in my relationships I need to fix it instead of wait it out. Lord help me to be a genuine person not only in relationships but with everyone I come in contact with.

-To have someone that cares for me I need to show others that I care for them. You get back what you put out in the world. I feel like I have a lot to offer the world so I guess I need to just start giving and if all people want to do around me is take take take then that is fine. I rather be a giver than a taker. Lord give me your eyes to see people with and grant me a heart full of love and care, so much care that it spills out onto anyone I come in contact with so that I may be cared for and loved too.

-To want to be with someone that is selfless you need to be more selfless yourself. Think of others. Make time for friends; listen, care, and remember what they say. Serve others. Lord help me to be selfless and think of others. I in turn pray for friends that are selfless and Christian friends that genuinely care for me as well.

-To find someone that loves and serves the Lord you need to serve the Lord 100 percent. Lord I pray for my future husband lord, protect him and keep him safe, guide and direct him so that in your time our paths will meet.

-To find someone that wants to commit to me I need to be worthy of being committed to. Get things right in my life. Figure out what I truly want and what I want out of life. Lord I pray for the person you have for me. I pray Lord that I am a worthy women to be commited to. Show me what I need to change Lord so that I can be worthy of commiting to and find the one that wants to commit to me.

-To find someone that I can trust I need to be trustworthy. Can someone that dates me trust me? Its time to quite playing games. Trust until they give you a reason not to trust anymore. If your trusting them and having issues believing them believe them until you find out otherwise. If you find out otherwise then its not your fault they cheated when you shouldn’t have trusted them. It’s life, it happens. Forgive and forget and move on. Find someone better. Lord help me to be trustworthy and not only to be worthy of trust but to have peace in trusting others.

-To find someone that inspires me to be a better person I need to inspire others to want to strive better and reach higher. Be an encourager, be opptomistic, speak positivity into their lives. Lord I pray for inspiration, I pray for positivity so that I can speak it over others lives.

-To find someone that appreciates me I need to appreciate others more and tell them. You get what you give. Lord help me to be a better person by being able to show others that I care for them and appreciate them. I pray for insecurity walls to fall.

-To find someone that approves of me and I feel comfortable around I need to make sure others feel comfortable around me and show them I approve…unless its something I don’t agree or approve of lol

-To find someone that will communicate with me I need to open up and be willing to communicate and be open.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Problems or Opportunities??

I know, it's hard to believe when you are up to your eyeballs in a problem...that ANYTHING good could come out of it. I'm not above this same kind of thinking when a problem lasts longer than I expected, is getting worse or just seems to be getting the best of me.

We have to remember where to keep our focus, on Jesus and not the circumstances that seem to rage with every impossibility day and night. Problems are obnoxious. They demand our attention, they steal our peace, they trample our happiness and make us feel defeated before the battle has even begun.

So how the crapola can we survive the problems of life? We must adjust our vision to the promises of God that are available to us. This means that every problem is actually an opportunity to receive God's provision.

Remember what God is capable of, He took a handful of dirt and breathed life into...meet the first man, Adam. He made a human out of dust!

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27 (NIV)

We need to be reminded of this because in the humdrum of everyday life, we forget who God is. We think it's only up to us, that we are alone in solving the problem and that maybe even God has forgotten about us.

Well, I'm here to remind you that nothing gets by God. We may not be able to know why certain things happen, because God even tell us in Isaiah 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts"(NIV). But God loves you and He has a good plan for your life!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

What we must do in the problem, KEEP praying, KEEP asking God for His wisdom, for His favor and EXPECT Him to be at work on what is giving you such heart ache and trouble. And the most important thing that I have found that keeps my little sinking heart afloat is praising and thanking God WHILE STILL IN THE PROBLEM. You will not FEEL like praising God as sometimes it feels like your mouth is full of gravel and you can barely muster enough energy to get out of bed!

Nehemiah 8:10 "the joy of the LORD is your strength."

Psalm 98:4 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music;

1 Thessalonians 5:19 pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

CHOOSE to be joy filled. This is not easy, but I can attest the it does give us strength in areas that are fragile.

PUT on worship music, even if you can't sing along at first. Just allow the words of worship and praise to God fill your heart until you CAN SING!

DON'T leave God in those times. Instead, come closer to Him, pray and give Him every detail that burdens your heart, mind and body. Don't give up when you don't get an immediate change in circumstances. Often times, God does a lot of behind the scenes arranging before we get our breakthrough, answer or need.

And know that I am praying for you, that your needs are not only met but overflowing in abundance according the riches and glory in Jesus Christ!

LOTS of love,hot chocolate and 20 marshmallows,

Monday, November 14, 2011

Love For Others

Written By Victoria Osteen:

John 15:13 tells us that "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). This scripture is talking about the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made to pay the price so that we can spend eternity with Him, but every day we have the opportunity to "lay down" ourselves for the people in our lives. Making sacrifices and giving to others of our time, abilities and resources is how we show our love. It's easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities of life. Most people spend their days maxed out, but we have to make the effort to communicate our love to our family and friends.

Novelist Katherine Anne Porter once wrote, "Love must be learned and learned again; there is no end to it." In other words, love should not remain the same year after year; love is supposed to grow. Relationships evolve over time, people change over time, and our love should strengthen and grow over time, too. The apostle Paul prayed that our love would abound and grow in knowledge and depth of insight. That tells me that I cannot put my love on autopilot. If we put our love on autopilot and trust that the people in our lives will simply "know" that we love them, our relationships will not grow nor be as fruitful as they were intended to be. That's why it's so important to make every effort to keep strong connections in our relationships.

Today, find a new way to show someone you care. Do something out of your comfort zone. Ask God to give you a creative idea and be willing to stretch yourself. It can be as simple as leaving a note or doing something extraordinary around the house. When you lay down your old ways and old ideas, that's when new growth will come to your life personally and to your relationships. Dare to make others a priority in your life and let them see the love in you!

A Good Word

There is a young lady I know who is very creative. She puts on major programs for different organizations to empower women. She's known for being very innovative and always on the cutting edge. But she told me that for many years, she never thought she was creative. She worked as a secretary and thought that was what she would do for the rest of her life. But one day, management asked her to head up the Christmas program they put on for the company every year, and so she did. It was very successful. Everyone loved it and had a great time. Afterwards, a long-time friend came up to her and said, "You are so creative! You are amazing at what you do." Later she told her friend, "You are the first person to ever tell me that I am creative. When you said that, something ignited on the inside."

To the friend, it was a simple and obvious compliment; but to this young lady, it was a supernatural moment. That was God calling out those seeds of greatness inside of her. But it all started when somebody was willing to speak simple, life-giving words.

Today, I'm asking you to be free with your compliments. When you see someone doing a good job, don't just think, "Wow! They're really talented." No, your thoughts don't bless anyone. If that friend would have just thought, "Wow! She's creative," it wouldn't have done this woman any good. Here's the key; a blessing is not a blessing until it is spoken. All around you people are thirsty for life-giving words. People need encouragement. People need approval. They need to hear you say, "I believe in you. You've got an amazing gift. You are great at what you do. I'm proud of you." When people know you believe in them and you speak faith into their destiny, it does something on the inside. It's amazing how sometimes just one compliment, one encouraging word, one "Hey! You're so creative" can be the spark that will push that person toward their divine destiny.

Remember, as believers in Jesus, we are His body, His hands and feet in the earth. We are His voice; we are His representatives. Look for ways to encourage the people around you even if you are the one who needs encouragement. Like seeds, those words of life go out and then a harvest of blessings returns in your own life. Keep speaking, keep loving and keep honoring God with your words and actions and let Him pour out His love and blessing in your own life in return!

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life" (John 6:63, NIV).

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waiting It Out

The other day, I was sitting in traffic and just started thinking about all the time we spend waiting in life. We wait in traffic, wait in line at the grocery store, wait for a promotion, wait for a relationship to turn around or wait for a prayer to be answered. It seems we spend a lot of time in the waiting room of life!

God sees us and is saying to us today, "I want you to wait the right way." What is the right way to wait? If you look up the word "wait" in the original Hebrew, it's translated to mean hope and expectancy. See, God wants you to wait in Him. He wants your hope and expectancy to be in Him. Isaiah 40:31 says, "Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (NKJ)

God has promised that if we wait the right way, then we'll have the strength to wait. We won't feel overwhelmed, frustrated and "zapped" of all of our energy. If you wait in Him, you'll run and not be weary, walk and be lifted up, and soar like the eagle. This verse tells me there are seasons of waiting. Sometimes we have to walk through some things while we wait. Sometimes we run and the season goes by quickly. And sometimes, we'll just rise above the circumstances and soar through the season of waiting. No matter what, God promises to strengthen and empower us when we wait on Him.

How do we wait in Him? First of all, we need to wait with praise and worship in our hearts and mouths. Praise always precedes the victory. God says He inhabits the praises of His people, and when God shows up, the enemy has to flee!

Another way to make sure you are waiting the right way is by watching your words, thoughts and attitudes. Your thoughts direct your words which ultimately direct your life. Make sure your words line up with His Words. Come in agreement with Him because your strength comes from your unity with Him.

You've probably heard it said that your attitude determines your altitude. If you want to rise high above the storms of life, you have to set your mind on things above, not on the cares of this earth. You have to keep your focus on Jesus because He is the Author and Finisher of your faith.
Today, if you're waiting, make sure you're waiting the right way. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy and a song of praise on your lips. Know that He is faithful, and He will renew your strength and lift you up when you choose to wait in Him.

A Story About Ruth

Scripture talks about a woman named Ruth. She had been through a lot of heartache and pain. Her husband had been killed in a battle. Now her mother-in-law, Naomi, was moving away to a different city. Ruth decided to go with her and help take care of her. During all of this, there was a great famine in the land, and they hardly had anything to eat. Every morning, Ruth would go out into the fields and follow behind the reapers that were gleaning the wheat. She would pick up the leftover wheat that had fallen behind on the ground, and that's how she and Naomi were surviving.

One day the owner of the field, a wealthy man named Boaz, came into town to check on his field. It just so happened that he saw Ruth out there and she caught his attention. He asked his workers, "Who is that new, young girl?" They said, "That's Ruth. She's a widow and just moved here. She goes behind us every day and picks up the leftover wheat." Boaz said to his workers, "Here's what I want you to do; drop handfuls of wheat on purpose for Ruth."

I love the fact that Ruth was just minding her own business, being her best, being faithful. She was focused on meeting the needs of someone else, and she was blessed in return. One day, all of the sudden, she started seeing excess wheat lying in front of her. Think about it. Suddenly, she doesn't have to struggle anymore. Suddenly, she doesn't have to search the field trying to find the leftovers. All she has to do is step and what she needs is in her path. Suddenly, she goes home with four or five times what she normally would collect. Naomi asks, "Ruth, how in the world did you get all that wheat today?" I can see Ruth scratching her head. She says, "I don't know. I just stumbled into it. Normally, I get the leftovers and scraps, but for some reason, the workers started leaving all this wheat right in my path!"

Today, I want you to know that God has dropped "handfuls on purpose" for you, too. In your future, God has already dropped favor, promotion and health. He's dropped wisdom, good breaks and divine connections. They're out in front of you just waiting for you to come along. Don't believe those lies telling you there is nothing good in store; you'll never accomplish your dreams. No, if God were to pull back the curtain and allow you to see what He's already lined up; the breaks, the people, the favor, the things He's already released into your future, you wouldn't worry again. You wouldn't be discouraged. You would be excited about your future. You would live with expectancy knowing that at any moment, you could come across one of those handfuls on purpose!


Don't play small! Stand up! Take charge! You are doing yourself and others a disservice by catering your actions towards how you think others will react.

Instead, just be yourself, exactly as you are. When you are simply being yourself you will attract everything that is in alignment with who you truly are. You will be shocked to see who drops away. Their absence will leave a space for new and amazing relationships to enter your life. Just be you, and let everyone else do what they may.

"The people that know the least about you are usually the ones that have the most to say."

You are not what others believe you to be, you are what you know you are and nothing else. Just be. You will be rewarded for your courage with a life that reflects your true essence instead of an invented identity created to "please others".

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Waiting On...

The other day, I was sitting in traffic and just started thinking about all the time we spend waiting in life. We wait in traffic, wait in line at the grocery store, wait for a promotion, wait for a relationship to turn around or wait for a prayer to be answered. It seems we spend a lot of time in the waiting room of life!

God sees us and is saying to us today, "I want you to wait the right way." What is the right way to wait? If you look up the word "wait" in the original Hebrew, it's translated to mean hope and expectancy. See, God wants you to wait in Him. He wants your hope and expectancy to be in Him. Isaiah 40:31 says, "Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." (NKJ)

God has promised that if we wait the right way, then we'll have the strength to wait. We won't feel overwhelmed, frustrated and "zapped" of all of our energy. If you wait in Him, you'll run and not be weary, walk and be lifted up, and soar like the eagle. This verse tells me there are seasons of waiting. Sometimes we have to walk through some things while we wait. Sometimes we run and the season goes by quickly. And sometimes, we'll just rise above the circumstances and soar through the season of waiting. No matter what, God promises to strengthen and empower us when we wait on Him.

How do we wait in Him? First of all, we need to wait with praise and worship in our hearts and mouths. Praise always precedes the victory. God says He inhabits the praises of His people, and when God shows up, the enemy has to flee!

Another way to make sure you are waiting the right way is by watching your words, thoughts and attitudes. Your thoughts direct your words which ultimately direct your life. Make sure your words line up with His Words. Come in agreement with Him because your strength comes from your unity with Him.

You've probably heard it said that your attitude determines your altitude. If you want to rise high above the storms of life, you have to set your mind on things above, not on the cares of this earth. You have to keep your focus on Jesus because He is the Author and Finisher of your faith.

Today, if you're waiting, make sure you're waiting the right way. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy and a song of praise on your lips. Know that He is faithful, and He will renew your strength and lift you up when you choose to wait in Him.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

BIG Questions in Life


· How do you keep moving forward?
· How do you keep from comparing your life to others and not get down?
· What is your reassurance that reassures you that you will get the break in life you know you are promised?

To Move

There must be a marriage between faith and trust; they cannot be divorced from one another. Movingforward is another way to say: Look forward and not backwards at your life. When we look backwards, itslows us down…just ask any runner. We tend to question and over-analyze things from our past. We
cannot change the past. We cannot un-do the past. So why keep focusing on something that is out of your control? What you have control over is your attitude. Are you going to continue to dwell in the past OR are you going to learn from your past and move forward? Look at your hand. Clench your hand into a fist. Think of yourself as the clenched fist. You’re tight, holding on, and tense! That is what it is like when we try to control or when we are fighting for our timing or when we are holding on to the past. Now release your hand and open it up. You’re only truly able to receive from the Lord…when your hand is open; He has space (your palm) to place the new thing HE is wanting you to have. How can you receive something if your hands are clenched? You want to be moving towardsomething that is in front of you. None of us know what that something is, because only God sees the BIG picture and knows what’s to come…and that is where the faith and trust come into play. You have to trust and believe that your something is going to be good, because God is good.

Ephesians 3:20

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

Romans 8:28
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Move forward with a positive attitude. Move forward by stop looking back. Move forward by letting go and being open to receive. Move forward by staying in God’s word and HIS promises. Do what the Lord says in Philippians 4:8, so that you’re rooted with a strong spiritual and mental foundation to carry you on your journey…

“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”

To Compare

"If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise."
~ Johann von Goethe

When we see someone who seems to have everything we want, what we’ve been waiting and praying for…

It’s real easy to say, why not me? It’s real easy to wonder if you’re going to have your lucky break. It’seasy to think nothing is ever going to change. It’s easy to ask God, when? It’s easy to ask God, how is thisgoing to happen? I have found myself even saying toGod a time or two…What did they do or say to get that-What am I doing wrong?

The “it’s real easy” stuff…is a lie to take your eyes off the Lord. When we compare, the underlining thought is…Where’s the special plan for my life? Again, more lies.

We are ALL designed with a unique purpose and plan. The truth is…God DOES have a special plan for your life. God knows the beginning from the end…nothing is a surprise to HIM. Set-backs are really divine ordered steps set in place before you were even born. When things seem to be going wrong, in reality, things are going right. Wrongs doors must close in order for the right doors to open. Be thankful for when something closes, because it ultimately means protection. Why would you want to be somewhere, where you don’t belong?

Instead of focusing on what’s going wrong or what’s not happening just yet in your life, focus on what you do have. Everyone goes through trials. Everyone. Don’t compare yourself to others, because you never know what someone goes through. You never know what trial or set back occurred before their success…all you see is their success. You never know what trail someone might face in the future. If it’s success now or success later, the bottom line is…we all go through trials; it’s part of the human experience. God is with them just like HE is with you. Next time you see someone that you start comparing yourself against, remind yourself that if God did it for them, then HE will do it for you too.

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead ofa second-rate version of somebody else."~ JudyGarland

Philippians 4:6
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

To Reassure

What is your reassurance that reassures you that you will get the break in life you know you are promised?

It’s through my experience with the Lord that gives me reassurance. It’s knowing and continuing to learn about the Character of our Lord that gives me reassurance. It’s remembering the times the Lord fulfilled promises, and keeping that spark alive for future promises.

Every promise in the Bible is for you and I. Every promise. God is all love. God is good. If God promises you something, then you know it’s going to happen, because to know God, is to know that HE is not a liar.

Numbers 23:19

“God is not like people. He tells no lies. He is not like humans. He doesn't change his mind. When he says something, he does it. When he makes a promise, he keeps it.”

If I am not getting something that I feel has been promised to me, then I would conclude that it’s not the right time. God is at work all the time. Everything has a divine order to them. When God is working in our lives to prepare us for that promise, keep in mind that HE is also arranging and preparing the other people who will be involved in the situation. Don’t get anxious about the when’s of life. When things happen, let them happen in God’s anointed time…because that is when you will experience grace and protection; HE knows what’s best for you.
Knowing God loves me and Knowing God’s character is what gives me reassurance.

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”
~Luke 12:25

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
~1 Peter 5:7

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

In Closing

A caterpillar goes into their cocoon, hidden from theoutside world. The caterpillar goes through such atransformation in the cocoon…once thetransformation is complete, it breaks free…it’s able tofly in complete freedom and is admired for its beauty.

Let God transform you. Keep stretching, reflecting,and hoping. Think positive, say what is positive, andbelieve what is positive.

“In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Ending?

Am I the only one not happy here? I constantly make the mistake of getting on FB and judging people by how their lives appear. I don't know anything that's going on in their life but it seems like everyone around me is doing freaking fabulous. Everyone is graduating college, marrying or (getting engaged or in a serious relationship), having KIDS (that's all I see on FB is pictures of their kids and about their kids birthday parties and potty training), traveling, checking into places they travel with their friends. Why am I the only one that nothing fabulous is happening to them!?!My life isn't interesting or exciting. I'm single not dating anyone interesting, no kids, no college education, no fabulous job that takes all of my time, no family I'm really involved in, still living at home, no fabulous friends I see or hang out with all the time, and still living in the same home town. NOTHINGS CHANGING IN MY LIFE.
Everyone says count your blessings and be grateful for what you do have.
I am grateful for what I have and thankful for life but its hard not to get discourages sometimes. WHEN IS MY BIG BREAK COMING LORD...?

discouraged and down and out

Monday, October 17, 2011


When I have NO Faith that my life is going anywhere I search for answers. There is no better answers then from the Bible.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Joshua 1:9

BE strong and courageous. Do not be terrified;do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Psalm 71:5

For you are my hope Lord God; you are the trust from my youth.

Psalm 119:9

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to me feet and a light for my path.

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.

Proverbs 19:21

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails.

Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those that love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Good Things ARE Coming...

Today's Word From Joel Osteen

Everyone has experienced disappointments in this life. Sometimes they are small and easy to get over. Other times, they are severe and can completely debilitate you if you let them.

In the Bible, Adam and Eve went through a great disappointment. Their son, Cain, killed their son, Abel. You can imagine how devastated and distraught they must have been. But they said in Genesis 4:25, "God has appointed another seed unto us." They were saying in effect, "We might be knocked down. We feel like we've been wiped out. But we're not going to stay down because we know God has another option." And in your difficult times, when you don't feel like it could get any worse, God is saying to you, "Take heart; I'm going to appoint another seed. I'm going to do a new thing." For everything you've lost, everything that's been stolen, everything that's been taken away, know this: God has another plan. He has another seed for you.

I believe the reason God uses the word "seed" is because it talks about the future. It talks about what's coming. If you can just do your part to let go of the old and start pressing forward, you will give birth to more in the future than you've lost in the past.

I see so many people who have a tough time letting go of what lies behind. They're always focused on who hurt them, how unfair it was, or wondering why this happened. The whole time, their gifts, talents and dreams are being pressed down. All of their potential is lying dormant on the inside underneath the weight of bitterness and regret.

This is what almost happened to my father. My dad was married at a very early age in life. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. Of course, we're not in favor of divorce. I don't believe that's God's best. But you know as well as I do, sometimes it happens. You can't unscramble eggs, and you can't undo the past. You've got to let it go and move on. But my father was so devastated and felt like his days of ministry were over. He didn't think he'd ever have a family again. He basically thought that he had ruined his entire life. One day, he did what I'm asking you to do. Instead of staying focused on all his mistakes and dwelling on all his failures, he decided to forgive himself and let it all go. He told me the hardest thing to do was to receive God's mercy. See, the enemy would love to sit on your shoulder and remind you of every mistake you've ever made. But the Bible says that when we confess our sins, not only does God forgive us, but He chooses not to remember our mistakes anymore. So, if somebody keeps bringing up your past, you need to know it's not God. If God is willing to let it all go, why don't you?

That's what my father did. One day, he got up, dusted himself off and said, "Yes, I've made some poor choices, but I know God has another seed for my future. He has another plan." Not long after that, he met my mother. Over the years, they had five children and ministered all over the world.

Today, I wonder how many people are sitting around wallowing in their mistakes and feeling guilty, condemned and frustrated; feeling like they're washed up in life. In the meantime, their gifts, talents and dreams are being wasted. Please, don't let that be you! If you've made mistakes, know this: God is the God of a second chance, a third chance, a fourth chance—as many chances as you need! I'm not saying to take the easy way out and bale out of a marriage. No, you stick with it and make it work. But if you're already past that, if it's already over and done, don't you dare sit around thinking that life is over and you're never going to be happy. No, God has another seed. He wants to give you that new beginning. Your best days are not behind you, they are in front of you. Quit looking back. Quit living depressed. Receive God's mercy and start pressing forward into the victory He has prepared for you!

good things are coming


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Falls in Life"

I've had a bad day and I don't have anything good to say!
But Im gonna try...

Sometimes in life, it’s the darkest before the light.
That"fall" that you thought was going to ruin you, is just pushing you towards something really great.

In your "falls", learn to keep your focus on our Lord and not on your circumstances. Know that the Lord can turn any situation around. Everything is subject to change. I mean, everything and anything can turn around, except our great and always good God. Put your faith in the spirit world and don’t worry how many times you have "fallen". Think of it like this: more "falls" equals greater victory. You may "fall" tonight, but joy can rise in the morning; never give up.

If you are experiencing the same "fall" over and over again…stop and think.

What do you need to learn in this chapter of your life?

What do the "falls" really represent in your life?

What lessons does your soul need to learn, so you don’t repeat the same "fall"?