Tuesday, October 11, 2011

You Were This Way

I just wanted to write a reminder post. I know I have posted before about being yourself and not wishing to have someone else's life, and loving the life the lord blessed you with but I just wanted to do a reminder post to remind any of you that like me sometimes get stuck in the "i wish", "why not me" stage. In the words of Lady Gaga "I was born this way"

It’s so easy to start comparing ourselves with others and end up jealous, depressed, frustrated and even angry. This happened to me recently and this is especially annoying to me because I’ve worked so hard at NOT comparing myself to others and letting me be me and them be them.But sometimes, when we are tired, or feeling a bit overwhelmed by life we can slip back into those old ways of thinking are start wishing we had the life of someone else or start thinking someone has had it easier than us. By the end of the day were praticly screaming at God “Why them? Why NOT me? Why can’t I have that life?!”

Just remember each of us have an unique experience in life, one that cannot be compared to another. We have different kinds of parents, up bringing, siblings and so on. And we all have different natural talents, spiritual gifts and personalities. Each of us are needed in the world we live in. How dull would it be if we were all Johnny Depp? There is only so much you can do as a actor. God wants artists, visionaries, missionaries, doctors, sales associates, secretaries, moms and all the other careers and callings that are needed to be filled with His children. He made us uniquely suited for the calling He has on our life. And you can bet no two lives are identical. We all go through life at a different speed and just because someone has accomplished something before you doesn't mean you cant or want.

When I find myself down and out with my life or frustrated with the way things are going I find it helps to think of what I DO have, things I HAVE accomplished, and things that I am thankful for. Hang in there friend, it gets better.

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