Monday, July 11, 2011


I think loss of people, things and dreams can be so devastataing that it can actually cripple and hinder us from EVER moving past the loss. And most times I think that people can't even imagine HOW to ever move on again. How do you pick up the pieces and carry on? Where can you buy a new carton of "WANT TO" or a box of "I CARE"?

The biggest loss I think we ever experience is a loss of another life. The pain can be so intense and relentless that your new goal is escapism. Whatever it takes to mask the pain, we will start doing. Drinking, drugs, eating, shopping, you name it, it can become your false sense of escape.

And other types of losses can devast us in huge ways as well. The loss of a marriage relationship, a dating relationship, friendship, job, dream or a thing we were hoping for.

How DO we move past the loss without forming some bad habit that will only cause us MORE suffering? In every loss, regardless of the enormity, we need Jesus. In Hebrew, His name is Yeshua which means Salvation. This little morsel of Hebrew means more to me than 10 million feasts because of all the things that my heart cries out for when I have loss, it's SALVATION from it and even more, salvation from myself. It's a desire to be saved in a way that we cannot even concieve because the pain is too great to even THINK sometimes. That's the salvation I'm talking about!

Yeshua IS our Salvation. Not only from the present life's death, but from all loss we encounter here on this dusty planet.

Now, for a very raw heart-- this scripture will sting a little, just as when we put an anticeptic on a gaping wound, but it IS good and it will allow for your heart to heal with out infection and disease, just like our outer body needs anti-bacteria, so does our heart...and this is it.

John 16:33 (Yeshua speaking) "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

This verse is a powerful reminder that PAIN and SUFFERING are a part of this life, no one gets by without experienceing those ugly twins. And yes, it DOES FEEL horrible and I wish no one would EVER have to feel those types of pain. But loss is a part of this world becaus of the sin it is weighed down with, the life we have today isn't how God intended us to live. I firmly believe that He wanted us to ALL live and remain in the perfection of the Garden of Eden. But there was satan, to tempt, lie to and create doubt in Eve and Adam's minds. And now we all must live in a world that is burdened under the curse of their sin.

Romans 8:20 "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."

Our hope is renewed by knowing that THIS isn't all there is. This isn't as good as it gets. When we have lost someone in this life, if they had faith in Jesus, we WILL see them again. Someone once called those who she lost (she lost 2 of her 4 sons in thier early twenties), "deposits in heaven." I think that is one of the best ways to frame the pain of loss. Its a win win situations if you really think about.

My prayer for you, if this is something you are enduring now, is that God is healing your heart, mending those wounds and filling that empty space with His love.

This is a comforting verse to hold in your heart.

Psalm 34:18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

John 16:22 Now you are sad, but I will see you again and you will be happy, and no one will take away your joy.

For those suffering loss of any other, relationship, job, home, etc. I pray that you hold on to this verse, as it is one of my very favorites.

Zechariah 9:12 Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.

I pray that your fear is turned into FAITH, your pain is turned into GAIN and your loss is RESTORED--DOUBLE!!! Your faithful sister in Christ and prisioner of hope!

to overcoming obstacles
always yours

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