Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ordinary to Extraordinary

In my daily devotional this morning I read about Esther. It talked about Esther's faith and how Esther was a orphan and she wasn't born into privileges and on the outside she looked like any other normal person. But on the inside she had a hope of excellence and a attitude in believing that she had a purpose greater than her self and that is what made all the difference.

God trusted Esther with tremendous favor and Esther later went on to be the Queen and used her influence and good attitude to save her nation.

Today God wants to crown us with his favor just like Esther. He wants to position us in a place we never thought possible. Take us past our small dreams and expand them and use us in extraordinary ways. It all starts with being a good steward of your influence and mindful of the example you setting for others. Don't let the world around you influence your choices and standards; instead you be the leader and set the standard. God has equipped you with power to overcome in every area of this life. He has deposited his wisdom in you, and he is ordering and directing your steps. As you approach life with a heart of excellence and focus on living your best, you are tapping into your influences. God will multiply and use you in ways you never imagined. Believe it today because his hand of blessing is on your life to accomplish everything he has placed in your heart.

Leviticus 26:9
I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you.

Remember God a lot of time uses the most ordinary people to do the most extraordinary things...

ordinary and following the Lord
always yours

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