Wednesday, July 6, 2011

That Little Word Called HOPE

Sometimes we have so much heartache, hurt, emotional or even physical pain...that we are simply ready to let go of life. For me, these feelings usually come at night, after a miriade of things had happened and I felt more than exhausted, frustrated and tiny (in comparision to everyone else in the world, not weight wise!)

Even if you have totally BLOWN IT today, doing whatever it is that trips YOU up, gets under your skin or makes you want to look out the window to see in Jesus is on His way yet because life has gotten just to hard to take anymore...this is for you!

God has such wonderful promises for us, just crack open your Bible and SEE FOR YOURSELF why people call it the "Good Book!"

Nahum 1:7 "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,"

Isn't that a comfort?! God is our safe place, not food, a dumb guy or shopping until your shoes give you blisters!

God is watching over us, I think it's easy to forget because it's not like He texts us: "Dear Heart, I'm watching over you now, before you even formed in your mother's womb and after when you will be with me in heaven. Stop worrying about your life and trust me. I have a good plan. Just keep seeking Me, obeying my instructions and it will go well with you. I love you! - Abba (father in Hebrew).

And take heart, because JOY is on it's way!
Psalm 30:5 "... weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."

Sometimes the best recipe for a bad day is heading to bed with God's Word. I promise you that getting some of the God's Living Word into your heart and head will be enought to get you back on track and on the road to recovery from whatever the injury you endured from the day.

Hide this one in your heart:

2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

I'm going to tatoo that on the inside of my eyelids. Just kidding of course, that is what our BIG brain is for...storing good info such as this!

Hang on to God, even if you have to shut your eyes for awhile


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