Saturday, July 16, 2011

Soul Mate...Yeah Right

Puppy love and crushes are charming… for their time. We think that special person is so perfect, and we’re convinced we have fallen in love with our soul mate. Call off the cupid squad, because that cubby cupid finally got off its ass and shot you with his love arrow. Soul mate love feels so whimsical, doesn’t it?
We equate soul mates with looovvveeee. We tend to view our soul mate as the love of our lives. We can’t live without that person who seems to make us feel safe and complete. Fairy tales and romantic comedies are much to thank for this soul mate definition and its much desired search.
Way back, I remember learning about soul mates; it was an eye-opening lesson. The lesson put a twist on the conventional soul mate classification.
When we think of a soul mate, we think that the person is so in sync with us; they match our morals, ethics, likes and dislikes, and they’re our biggest cheerleader.
As wonderful as a soul mate is, and as wonderful it is to find a partner that truly unconditionally loves us, let’s take a different look at what a soul mate can actual look like.
In this lesson, we will put our traditional soul mate expectations on the back burner.
What’s the opposite of love? Hate. I know, I know, hate is a strong word. But, there are some people that we have a hard time being around. There are people that seem to push our buttons. We can encounter rude people, people that make us feel small, we can be jealous by another, and we can even find ourselves in debates over viewpoints with another.
So where am I going with this? Well, love is comfortable. Yes, love is where we want to be in our relationships, but you have to view your button-pushers as your soul mates too. Why? Because they are causing a reaction in you; they are able to push your buttons for a reason. Figuring out why someone pushes your buttons or makes you jealous is a great internal awakening to see an area your soul is struggling in, and what you need to improve on. Your button-pushers should cause you to become better….THAT is why they are considered your soul mate.
Remember, I am not talking about a loving relationship….because you deserve a healthy relationship where someone is treating you right.
Not everyone is going to like you, that’s just a fact; don’t let that fact upset you. Button pushers are showing up in your life to teach you something about yourself.
I struggle with this too. I have a friend; his wife is my biggest button pusher. She never fails me at pushing my uncomfortable button. She is my soul mate. She makes me realize that I can change, even though I can’t change her. Why would I want to change her anyway? I’m responsible for myself. I’m the one who wants to come up higher. She holds the password to my button pushing frustration, and when I figure out the code, her access will be denied.
Our soul searches for love. But, look a little deeper for motives
that stupid cubby cupid knows exactly what he’s doing after all

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