Monday, June 28, 2010

Its Up To You

One of my friends advice on making good choices

This is like life...
If we follow what just sounds good to our desires....I want to scream at that person because they made me mad, my life feels out of control and maybe I'll just eat McDonald's or have another piece of pizza, maybe I'll just sacrifice me my likes, in order to be loved from someone....

EVERYTIME we make a good choice....it may not feel great at the time, or like what we really want to do...but the GREAT CHOICES ALWAYS HAVE GREAT RESULTS....
the poor choices ALWAYS have NEGATIVE RESULTS!

What is the result of me doing this? Is it gonna feel good right now, or will it feel better later?
I may want to be loved and I'm lonely, so I start dating someone that fills that void, but they are not the best for us, they may hurt us be mean to us, but we don't want to leave them because we are scared or afraid of feeling sad.

RESULT: you stay in a relationship that is full of hurt, and eventually they will cheat on you or leave you, because they are not true "keepers of your heart", or you will stay in a horrible cycle of hurt or maybe even abuse.

too making good choices and having the courage and strenght to do the right thing
always yours
Casey Lynn

Monday, June 21, 2010

When It Rains It Pours?!?

You ever feel like everything your doing is in vein?
I do, and especially have here lately. Seems like nothing is going right and I feel like the saying "when it rains, it pours" applies to my life right now. I feel like a fish swimming upstream...its just not working, and its not easy. How am I suppose to handle all of this crazy crap that's going on in my life at once? Like today for example. I just bought a new car. I haven't even had it for a month. I go to crank it this morning and the dang thing wont crank. Okay take in mind I live with my parents and all I had to do was go inside and call dad and ask him what to do, or drive his truck BUT what if that WASN'T the case. What if I lived alone. What if I wasn't married or had a boyfriend to call. Who would I call, what would I do. I don't have a second car, I don't have anyone to call, and I cant fix cars. I hate feeling that helpless. I mean I know there are people out there in situations like so but what do they do. I would crumble!!
We have all been in situations like so and I'm telling you today if you feel like me right now and just want to give up. DON'T If I was there these are the words I would say...

be strong in the Lord and,
never give up hope,
you're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
don't live life in fear,
forgive and forget,
but don't forget why you're here,
take your time and pray,
these are the words I would say,

last time we spoke,
you said you were hurting,
and I felt your pain in my heart,
I want to tell you,
that I keep on praying,
love will find you where you are,
I know cause I've already been there,
so please hear these simple truths,

be strong in the Lord and,
never give up hope,
you're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
don't live life in fear,
forgive and forget,
but don't forget why you're here,
take your time and pray,
these are the words I would say,

Just remember...Everything happens for a reason and although we feel defeated by the tragedies presented to us in life, we must always remember that for every action there is a reaction and NOTHING we do is EVER in vein.

to hope, happiness, and carefree days
always yours
Casey Lynn

Monday, June 14, 2010

stuck somewhere between dreams and reality..

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit!

I'm a little broken down right now. Its a vicious cycle and I feel like I am getting now where. I don't have a friend in the world to depend on right now and things just aren't what I thought they should be. But I guess life usually isn't. Some say happiness is a action and a state of mind, something you choose. But its not always easy to make yourself feel the way you ought to or the way you want to feel. I freak out about things, cry, pray, cry, then read a book. Last week this helped, I don't know if its because its me escaping reality or its relief. Guess I will just keep praying like crazy. This too shall soon pass!

praying for me, praying for you...
always yours
Casey Lynn

Monday, June 7, 2010

When You Cant Go On...

Sometimes words escape me and I don't even have encouraging words to tell myself. On those days you have to look back in the memory archives and pull out words that keep you going. I look all around me right now at people. Some look happy and some look just as sad as I have felt the past few days. I client of mine told me this today and it broke my heart..she said " its everywhere, everyone feels like that Casey", no one is happy"! Well I'm here saying a little prayer for you and my sweet little friend that told me that today. I pray that anyone that reads this is happy and finds true everlasting happiness. Don't give up. Good things are coming and life's rainbows always come out after the big storms.

I want you to know, if you feel like giving up...DON'T - that sad time will pass. You WILL feel happy again. Everyone I know has gone through a sad time, that they felt that the pain was too much, and they didn't want to go on.

Be reminded that nothing you've done is too awful, God gives you a fresh day with no guilt, no shame, he just wants to love you and for you to love him in return. He takes you as your are and meets you in the middle. He's the master of "Mr. Fix It"

If no one else it telling you it's okay...I AM
It's okay, whatever your heart hurts about...it's okay. Nothing is TOO big for God to handle. If you feel like it's too much, like you can't go on...don't go on it alone. If no one is there, sometimes God removes everyone there could be to talk to, so the only one left (the most important one) is HIM.
You will be happy again. You will feel like going on, I promise!
I love you!! You're precious!! And if no one else has told you how amazing you are...I did! You're amazing, loved, and have amazing things to do in this world!

the great thing about today is it ends tonight and tomorrow is a new day...

too many happy days, a life of purpose, and all your amazing dreams coming true
always yours
Casey Lynn

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Take A Hint?

I got really discourage today! Yesterday was a nightmare. It was the start of the summer semester, well kind of. Thursday was actually the "start" but I slept through both of my classes on accident...yeah great, I know! Well anyway I was at work today telling a guy friend of mine that had read a post I had posted on facebook about how horrible yesterday was and he simply told me it might be a hint..? For some reason I took it as take a hint and give up, quit school, its for your best interest! Now I know it wasnt probably meant in that way but WOW did it hurt. Of course I automatically start thinking, maybe he's right. Maybe I dont have what it takes. Who am I joking. I cant this, I cant that, Im not good enough etc. But then I thought to myself if everything was given to us in life and easy or we didnt have to work for anything then what would be the point in life? I believe nothing we do is ever in vein. For every action there is a reaction. So if your on the verge of giving up, or your thinking that these dreams you have just cant come true I say different!
There is a reason YOU have those specific dreams, goals, and doing what your doing now! Keep your hopes alive and your heart and chin even higher...No matter what is going on. Think of it as getting you stronger and more prepared for GREATNESS!!! I believe in you and love you, even if no one else told you that today..I did! Go take on the world! Your meant for greatness.

too high hopes, big dreams, and it all coming true
always yours
Casey Lynn