Friday, April 30, 2010

Dear Mr. Clean

-To many people function in their dysfunction-

I saw this quote somewhere and it didn't strike me until the other day when I was looking through my on going list of quotes and thought about how true this quote has been for me for too long it seems. You know we don't have to function in our problems, worries, stress, or messed up life style. There is someone bigger that wants to, so to say "clean house" on us. I imagine those houses you see on TV, the horders. Man those people have stuff on stuff. It's usually wall to wall in those houses. They have soooo much stuff that it usually is damaging to their health. They have bags and bags of garbage, but still function in it. But you can only do that for so long. Eventually it becomes to much, you know you need help but you feel like even starting or atttempting something will not make progress. But that's the beautiful part of it. God is the master of clean! He puts Mr. Clean to shame...haha. All we have to do is ask and truly want to give over our baggage or garbage that we are carrying around and trying to live with. Each day is a NEW day and we are given an opportunity to try to do what the lord has planned for us and we don't need old baggage or garbage in our lives weighing us down. He is like the clean team that comes in and helps u clean up you body. He wants to comes in daily and wash away our past oopes or failures. He gives us a new sheet or slate to start over, try again, do over, a mulligan...haha whatever you want to consider it. All we have to do is allow him to come in and clean us up. Half the time what we are carrying around is not helping us. It's past failures, past relationships, past hurts, past attempts that didn't work out or ended badly. And that is when we learn to function in our dysfunction. I don't know about you but I'm tired of functioning in my past and dysfunctions. I shouldn't allow that to control my future. It only holds me back, I can't possibily reach what God intended for me if I have all of these other things dragging and weighing me down. So that's what I'm and focusing on! The lord changing me and me letting go of the past. So I pray for you and myself to let those past problems, baggage, and garbage be thrown out. I am here to let the Lord work in me and change me but I know first I have things to be cleansed of.

To many weight free days and wonderful new changes in the Lord

Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Things Are Coming!

Today I just feel like complaining! I didnt have anything positive to say and couldnt think of anything uplifting to encourage myself with. I just got back from a wonderful mind/stress erasing weekend with my family at the beach and the last thing I wanted to do was get up early this morning and drive home to be a work at 3. It seems like the things you run away from to take a break from or escape are always there waiting for you when you return from vacation. I dont know why I thought it would be better or that they had simply vanished. It seems right after Im defeated I read something that helps me or makes me think about things for truly what they are. It was simply put that we will all have "bad days" or "bad things" will happen. Its not our job to question and figure out WHY things are happening the way they are or why this bad thing happend. We are to simply make the best of it and the better we will be! But sometimes that is SOOOO hard to do...right?!?! I will be the first to say I rather pout and cry and wonder why then move on and make the best of it and have a better attitude and say good things will come my way. Instead of wasting time on the now and asking myself why this, why that, why do I feel this way, why has so and so hurt me. I am going to put my thoughts towards positive things that are happening or be grateful for what I DO have. The bad things that happen and the things we question why a lot of times are the things that make us stronger. Its hard going through it and its a painful process but we learn from it and HE would never give us more than we can take! Thats one of my favorite things to remind myself when I want to quit or just run when the going gets tough.
He never gives us more than we can take!
Im so thankful for a positive friend I have in my life to encourage and lift me up. She truly is an example and someone I hope to be like more and more everyday. I wish I was more positive and I wish I had her attitude about life and hard times soooo I am praying for a more positive outlook and the faith in knowing it will all work out for the good. So if your going through hard times, a bad relationship, rough time with friends, or loss of a loved one, I pray for the all the strenght in the world for you and happiness in knowing the Lord will see you through it.

Daily Quote/Love Mission:
I dont know why I have this quote on my mind but I do. So I thought I would share. So here is the story behind it now. Okay so about a year ago I was getting a tattoo on my leg,(a cross on the back of my ankle if you really want to know) and as I was laying there I was looking around the room at all of the tattoo artists stickers and posters and such he had all over the room. I saw this little piece of paper and on it it simply said " Be nice to people, for you never really know what they are going through". It struck my little heart funny, I cant even explain. I know this is something we all have heard a million times but reading it that day it brought new meaning to my life and how I viewed others. Sometimes in life I think we hear things and read things but sometimes it takes just the right moment for it to sink in or make an impact. So I leave you with that quote. Lets all start thinking of others and helping others before we judge or spew negative words at them. For we never really know what that person could be going through.

"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."

Lots of love your way, positive thoughts, kind words, and a hug with a smile through the hard times!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy in the Now

Ive been reading a lot about being happy in the now. Being happy in the current situations your in instead of saying I will be happy when so and so happens, or when I graduate college, or when I get married. This is me in a nut shell. Hahahaha! I have always said that and for the longest thought nothing was wrong with thinking that way. But I am here to say I feel like I have lost out on soooo much living/enjoying! And I am not here to cry it out I am just simply thinking it is time to start enjoying the NOW. Enjoy the process! What was that cool thing I heard the other day talking about enjoying the process.
Something about there is a reason to things! Like you cant pick a piece of fruit from a tree when it isnt ripe. You need to be patient and wait. There is a reasoning for it happening the way it is. You are meant to enjoy and delight yourself in the process while its taking place. God knows the path of your future...after all the best opportunity in the world may be two months away. You cant give up now. Youd miss you. Wait the wonder. Expect the unexpected!!
Look at me for example...The current job I have now I feel I am not even competent for and I feel like I dont know or have all of the knowledge for but the Lord placed me here for a reason, because its my major and what I am working for. I applied for a job here for two years! But I never had any hospital experience and didnt have a degree yet so no one would hire me. But look at where I am at now. In a position in the hospital of my choice and in the field I am in school for. You cant tell me that is not the Lord!! But what if I would have given up..? That last time sending in my application what if I would have said no I have sent in a million...why even bother.
YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN ITS RIGHT! Send it, TRY it, DO it, SIGN up for it, DREAM about it! Nothing never hurt you by trying.

I am the worlds worst at saying if I only made a little more money, if I could only graduate college, if I could only move out and be on my own...Id be happy. I know its HARD but lets start enjoying the process. Enjoy where the Lord is taking us. I guarantee there is a reason for the way things are happening. He sees the big picture when we see only a small small piece. So lets be happy in the small things. Even if its friends around us or people we work with or small things you enjoy...focus on that. GOOD THINGS ARE COMING!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happiness is the new Sad

I cant even start to tell you how sad this world is. How uninspiring it it, how hopeless it is, how alone it truly is. We live in a world today that "doing a nice thing" for someone is considered weird or odd. Helping others or being encouraging is the last thing people are these days. Its a selfish world we live in and its not the people I hate for being that way, because we all are that person. Its the helplessness of the world I hate. I dont look at the person for the fault I look at the person as a victim, we are all victims and we all need a little help or just a little care.

Its ALWAYS been my passion or dream to help people. To be and encourager, to inspire others to keep going on, to be a motivator. And at some point in my life I gave up on this dream. I quit caring...well I dont think I ever quit caring, I think life just took a toll on me. I wasnt happy, I was lost, and I never felt more alone. So I would ask myself how can I be all of those things I just listed when look at my life. Im not happy, im not this, im not that, and I have this holding me back, etc etc. Its not that I expected my life to be perfect or thought that it would be...Its FAR from it. But it made me realize that I just have obstacles to overcome and that you cant have great victories without having difficult battles and youll never have a great testimony without going through a few test. I quit blamming myself and saying I just wasnt made to be this type of a person with these dreams with my situation and finally understood that THOSE exact dreams I have were given to me for a reason. It wasnt by accident it was by purpose. God just doesnt equip you with something and not give you a way to use it or make it come true. For example, like I said earlier I have a passion for helping people, making a difference and one of the things I struggle with is fear and confidence a lot of times. I am too scared of what others think and scared of stepping or putting myself out there. Now do you think a person that has a desire or dreams of inspiring/helping people is suppose to be afraid of people and lack confidence....? Nooooooooo...haha! And that is the thing most people will talk their self out of what they are meant to do and I will tell you it is nothing but the enemy trying to destroy the Lords plans for you. He gave you each and every one of those dreams you have in you and I gaurantee he will show you a way to make them come true and to do them. It just might not be easy.

So I tell you...Follow your dream, desires, hopes, plans. They are yours for a REASON!

And make it a point to be nice or do something nice for someone today. I promise it will come back to you.

Instead of living in this sad hopeless world lets start changing it and make Happiness and Hope the new sad.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Worry Free..?

"Cast the whole of your care–all you anxieties, all your worries, all you concerns, once and for all-on Him; for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully." There are three truths we can glean out of this one verse:

-God never intended for you to carry your own burdens.

-You have to do something when it comes to worry.
It takes humility to say, God, I give this problem to You because You can take care of it much better that I can.

-Only then will you fully release the weight of each problem to Him. Worry, like other negative thoughts, is actually a thief-stealing our peace, energy, time and joy.

Each time you have a negative thought, pull it down with prayer and declare you are NOT going to dewell on it anymore.

I have SO many worries and insecurities that A LOT of time I feel hopeless and like a T total wreck and think to myself...wow there has got to be something wrong with me. No one else could possibly feel like this or have the same thoughts as I do. It doesnt matter though. The only thing that counts is HE can change it and he will take care of it. Half the time I just worry and get upset over it and never give it over to the Lord. He wants us to cast our worries upon him though! He cares that much. I just need to do it and KNOW that it will get better and this feeling want last. Coming from someone that feels so defeated and hopeless I wish you a many worriless days =) OUR God will take care of it!



And friend once told me and I would love to share it with you....
If you're in a relationship with someone and you feel like you're afraid they will leave you, abandon you, cheat on you, hurt you.......and you feel it's stopping you from being happy! STOP....stop thinking about what you are afraid of....and love them with your whole heart! Let WISDOM guide your heart, not your FEAR!

Do it despite how you feel. DO IT SCARED

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Born Winner!

Tell yourself today that....

1. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God made me in mind and he APPROVED of me, thats all I need to know. HE approved of me.

2. I am liked! People like me and want to be around me.

3. I am NOT alone. He is with me every second of the day.

4. I haven't ruined anything. Everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for me and my life.

5. You were never created to be average, you have the blood of a champion in you. He has equipped you with everything you need to succeed!!!!

6. In us we all have great things in us...we just might not know all of those wonderful thing...YET! We are all one of a kind and there are none others like us. He made us this way for a reason, ask him what he has for you.

7. No one can make me feel inferior unless I let them.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

No Greater Love

He was pierced for transgrssions, he was crushed for our sins, the punishement that brought us peace was upon him...By his wounds we are healed.

What can wash away my sin...Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!

This weekend, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful that God sent His Son to the earth to pay the punishment for our sins and open the way for us to live in eternity with Him.

The scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that, "God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God in Christ." Because of Jesus, we are made righteous or in right-standing with Almighty God. Sometimes, it's easy to think that it's our own actions that make us righteous. We think that if we do the right things, if we say the right things, if we are "good enough," then we can be righteous. But righteousness isn't about what we do; it's about what He did. He already did everything that needed to be done so that we could be the righteousness of God. Why? Because He loves us. See, sin separates you from God, but God doesn't want to be separated from you. He loves you with an everlasting love, and He wants to be united with you today.

Lord I thank you for what you have done for me by sending your son to die for me that I might have life. I LOVE the song "By His Wounds". He was pierced for OUR transgrssions! He was crushed for OUR sins! The punishment that brought US peace was upon HIM. And by his wounds WE are HEALED. There is no greater love. I love the end of that song also. It simply says what can wash away my sin....nothing but the blood of Jesus. I just sit here and reflect and thank or try to think how great of a love that truly is. Its hard to fathom a love like that. As I try to work on my relationship with the Lord daily I pray for you out there that the Lords blessing may be upon you.

peace/joy happiness
strenght to do all I have to do
better relationships with my family and friends
compassion and love for the Lords people so that I can help/understand people better

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Keep Living

I normally post something from Joel Osteen's daily devotionals thats encouraging and hopeful but today I just feel like rambling and typing out some "daily truths" as I call them that we forget. Lord know we all get busy and discourage in the daily process of life that I often call the "RAT RACE". Its a race to grow up, to be somebody, to graduate college, get married, find happiness, to have a family, etc etc....you get the picture. And in that process I think we most often forget the easiest imformation and a lot of time the most vital things that keeps us in direction and on track. I mean do I have to mention how easy it is to get discourage in this negative selfish world we live in. No one gives back and seldom does anyone ever care about lifting someone up to help them get through something. Sooo Ive complied a list or just randomly thought of a few thoughts, tips that I KNOW we have heard a million times but I think need to be reminded daily =) If it helps anyone great, if it doesnt maybe I will remember it next time Im in need. hahaha

*Daily Mission*

Often times I can name a million gazillion things that I think are "wrong" or "going wrong" in my life. So lets turn in around and be thankful.
I am thankful for life first off. Im healthy, Im active, I have a crazy busy life that I complain about a lot of time but God will never give me too much and he gives me the energy to do it, family and certain relationships could be better but at least I have family and know they would be there if I needed them, friends and the same with family I wish I had better positive/health relationships but at least I have a few friends I KNOW I could count on. This list could go on and on but you get the drift.

Its SO amazing the people God places in your life to say a few words or encourage you. As I was typing this a man that works out where I work was asking me about school and what I was in college for. College is a touchy subject right now for me. Its a doubtfull thing that I just need to give over to the Lord and declare accomplishment out of it instead of defeat. Anyways I told him a little of my situation and out of that it evolved into a long conversation and just a lot of encouragement that I really needed to hear. He told me I am doing the right thing and I am on the right track. Okay something I knew but its just amazes me at the people God sends your way to light the fire back in your heart. YOUR DESIRES AND GOALS ARE THERE IN YOUR LITTLE SWEET HEART FOR A REASON AND DO NOT LET ANYONE PUT THEM OUT OR DISCOURAGE YOU OTHERWISE. Keep on keeping on =) God would not have placed a goal/dream/or desire in your heart if he didnt equip you with the things to make that dream come true!! And that my friend is the God honest truth and something I need to tell myself everyday hahaha =)

I dont know where else I had intended this post to go so I think I am going to end on a few more helpful hints or daily tips just to remember since I still have them floating in my lil brain. If your going through a hard time, depressed or sad or cant even find something to get excited for HANG IN THERE! I have to remind myself daily that "this too shall soon pass" just remember its not forever and whatever is pressing you at the time is only for a season and will not last always or things will not always be like that. God just might be prepairing you for something. Always remember, he is in control and knows the ending to your story. He wont forget about you. Just keep living. I am praying this touched someone and I am praying for that person. I know how it feels to feel alone and like no one is there. HE is always there and HE will see you through it. Sending lots of sunny happiness and joy your way and may you have the upper hand.