Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy in the Now

Ive been reading a lot about being happy in the now. Being happy in the current situations your in instead of saying I will be happy when so and so happens, or when I graduate college, or when I get married. This is me in a nut shell. Hahahaha! I have always said that and for the longest thought nothing was wrong with thinking that way. But I am here to say I feel like I have lost out on soooo much living/enjoying! And I am not here to cry it out I am just simply thinking it is time to start enjoying the NOW. Enjoy the process! What was that cool thing I heard the other day talking about enjoying the process.
Something about there is a reason to things! Like you cant pick a piece of fruit from a tree when it isnt ripe. You need to be patient and wait. There is a reasoning for it happening the way it is. You are meant to enjoy and delight yourself in the process while its taking place. God knows the path of your future...after all the best opportunity in the world may be two months away. You cant give up now. Youd miss you. Wait the wonder. Expect the unexpected!!
Look at me for example...The current job I have now I feel I am not even competent for and I feel like I dont know or have all of the knowledge for but the Lord placed me here for a reason, because its my major and what I am working for. I applied for a job here for two years! But I never had any hospital experience and didnt have a degree yet so no one would hire me. But look at where I am at now. In a position in the hospital of my choice and in the field I am in school for. You cant tell me that is not the Lord!! But what if I would have given up..? That last time sending in my application what if I would have said no I have sent in a million...why even bother.
YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN ITS RIGHT! Send it, TRY it, DO it, SIGN up for it, DREAM about it! Nothing never hurt you by trying.

I am the worlds worst at saying if I only made a little more money, if I could only graduate college, if I could only move out and be on my own...Id be happy. I know its HARD but lets start enjoying the process. Enjoy where the Lord is taking us. I guarantee there is a reason for the way things are happening. He sees the big picture when we see only a small small piece. So lets be happy in the small things. Even if its friends around us or people we work with or small things you enjoy...focus on that. GOOD THINGS ARE COMING!!!!!!

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