Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Keep Living

I normally post something from Joel Osteen's daily devotionals thats encouraging and hopeful but today I just feel like rambling and typing out some "daily truths" as I call them that we forget. Lord know we all get busy and discourage in the daily process of life that I often call the "RAT RACE". Its a race to grow up, to be somebody, to graduate college, get married, find happiness, to have a family, etc etc....you get the picture. And in that process I think we most often forget the easiest imformation and a lot of time the most vital things that keeps us in direction and on track. I mean do I have to mention how easy it is to get discourage in this negative selfish world we live in. No one gives back and seldom does anyone ever care about lifting someone up to help them get through something. Sooo Ive complied a list or just randomly thought of a few thoughts, tips that I KNOW we have heard a million times but I think need to be reminded daily =) If it helps anyone great, if it doesnt maybe I will remember it next time Im in need. hahaha

*Daily Mission*

Often times I can name a million gazillion things that I think are "wrong" or "going wrong" in my life. So lets turn in around and be thankful.
I am thankful for life first off. Im healthy, Im active, I have a crazy busy life that I complain about a lot of time but God will never give me too much and he gives me the energy to do it, family and certain relationships could be better but at least I have family and know they would be there if I needed them, friends and the same with family I wish I had better positive/health relationships but at least I have a few friends I KNOW I could count on. This list could go on and on but you get the drift.

Its SO amazing the people God places in your life to say a few words or encourage you. As I was typing this a man that works out where I work was asking me about school and what I was in college for. College is a touchy subject right now for me. Its a doubtfull thing that I just need to give over to the Lord and declare accomplishment out of it instead of defeat. Anyways I told him a little of my situation and out of that it evolved into a long conversation and just a lot of encouragement that I really needed to hear. He told me I am doing the right thing and I am on the right track. Okay something I knew but its just amazes me at the people God sends your way to light the fire back in your heart. YOUR DESIRES AND GOALS ARE THERE IN YOUR LITTLE SWEET HEART FOR A REASON AND DO NOT LET ANYONE PUT THEM OUT OR DISCOURAGE YOU OTHERWISE. Keep on keeping on =) God would not have placed a goal/dream/or desire in your heart if he didnt equip you with the things to make that dream come true!! And that my friend is the God honest truth and something I need to tell myself everyday hahaha =)

I dont know where else I had intended this post to go so I think I am going to end on a few more helpful hints or daily tips just to remember since I still have them floating in my lil brain. If your going through a hard time, depressed or sad or cant even find something to get excited for HANG IN THERE! I have to remind myself daily that "this too shall soon pass" just remember its not forever and whatever is pressing you at the time is only for a season and will not last always or things will not always be like that. God just might be prepairing you for something. Always remember, he is in control and knows the ending to your story. He wont forget about you. Just keep living. I am praying this touched someone and I am praying for that person. I know how it feels to feel alone and like no one is there. HE is always there and HE will see you through it. Sending lots of sunny happiness and joy your way and may you have the upper hand.

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