Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happiness is the new Sad

I cant even start to tell you how sad this world is. How uninspiring it it, how hopeless it is, how alone it truly is. We live in a world today that "doing a nice thing" for someone is considered weird or odd. Helping others or being encouraging is the last thing people are these days. Its a selfish world we live in and its not the people I hate for being that way, because we all are that person. Its the helplessness of the world I hate. I dont look at the person for the fault I look at the person as a victim, we are all victims and we all need a little help or just a little care.

Its ALWAYS been my passion or dream to help people. To be and encourager, to inspire others to keep going on, to be a motivator. And at some point in my life I gave up on this dream. I quit caring...well I dont think I ever quit caring, I think life just took a toll on me. I wasnt happy, I was lost, and I never felt more alone. So I would ask myself how can I be all of those things I just listed when look at my life. Im not happy, im not this, im not that, and I have this holding me back, etc etc. Its not that I expected my life to be perfect or thought that it would be...Its FAR from it. But it made me realize that I just have obstacles to overcome and that you cant have great victories without having difficult battles and youll never have a great testimony without going through a few test. I quit blamming myself and saying I just wasnt made to be this type of a person with these dreams with my situation and finally understood that THOSE exact dreams I have were given to me for a reason. It wasnt by accident it was by purpose. God just doesnt equip you with something and not give you a way to use it or make it come true. For example, like I said earlier I have a passion for helping people, making a difference and one of the things I struggle with is fear and confidence a lot of times. I am too scared of what others think and scared of stepping or putting myself out there. Now do you think a person that has a desire or dreams of inspiring/helping people is suppose to be afraid of people and lack confidence....? Nooooooooo...haha! And that is the thing most people will talk their self out of what they are meant to do and I will tell you it is nothing but the enemy trying to destroy the Lords plans for you. He gave you each and every one of those dreams you have in you and I gaurantee he will show you a way to make them come true and to do them. It just might not be easy.

So I tell you...Follow your dream, desires, hopes, plans. They are yours for a REASON!

And make it a point to be nice or do something nice for someone today. I promise it will come back to you.

Instead of living in this sad hopeless world lets start changing it and make Happiness and Hope the new sad.

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