Friday, April 30, 2010

Dear Mr. Clean

-To many people function in their dysfunction-

I saw this quote somewhere and it didn't strike me until the other day when I was looking through my on going list of quotes and thought about how true this quote has been for me for too long it seems. You know we don't have to function in our problems, worries, stress, or messed up life style. There is someone bigger that wants to, so to say "clean house" on us. I imagine those houses you see on TV, the horders. Man those people have stuff on stuff. It's usually wall to wall in those houses. They have soooo much stuff that it usually is damaging to their health. They have bags and bags of garbage, but still function in it. But you can only do that for so long. Eventually it becomes to much, you know you need help but you feel like even starting or atttempting something will not make progress. But that's the beautiful part of it. God is the master of clean! He puts Mr. Clean to shame...haha. All we have to do is ask and truly want to give over our baggage or garbage that we are carrying around and trying to live with. Each day is a NEW day and we are given an opportunity to try to do what the lord has planned for us and we don't need old baggage or garbage in our lives weighing us down. He is like the clean team that comes in and helps u clean up you body. He wants to comes in daily and wash away our past oopes or failures. He gives us a new sheet or slate to start over, try again, do over, a mulligan...haha whatever you want to consider it. All we have to do is allow him to come in and clean us up. Half the time what we are carrying around is not helping us. It's past failures, past relationships, past hurts, past attempts that didn't work out or ended badly. And that is when we learn to function in our dysfunction. I don't know about you but I'm tired of functioning in my past and dysfunctions. I shouldn't allow that to control my future. It only holds me back, I can't possibily reach what God intended for me if I have all of these other things dragging and weighing me down. So that's what I'm and focusing on! The lord changing me and me letting go of the past. So I pray for you and myself to let those past problems, baggage, and garbage be thrown out. I am here to let the Lord work in me and change me but I know first I have things to be cleansed of.

To many weight free days and wonderful new changes in the Lord

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