Monday, May 3, 2010


I don't type must about me, for the most part my blogs consist of daily encouraging messages or biblical stuff from my daily devotions. Soooo I am not gonna lie and say I just wanna type about me today...truth is I have a new schedule and I haven't done my daily devotions in the past few days. Therefore nothing inspiring on the brain today. Gosh that sounds so disappointing typing that out! Ha

Anyway on to ME....who are we and what makes us up or who we are for what reason? Have you ever thought that? I have and explaining myself or telling someone or even describing myself is harder to me than writing a 100 page paper for school. Sad I know. You say well maybe you really don't fully know yourself. And Id say your probably right. Do we ever really know our self? I feel like with every season we all change a little. And boy have these past few months been a doozy for me.
In some many ways I feel stronger, not physically but mentally... I feel at ease with certain decisions I have made and certain things that I have come to a close with. One pertaining to a job. A job I have worked at for 5 years. A place I despised for so long that I now no longer have to call work. But also a feeling of emptiness and fear of failure it leaves me if what I am pursuing doesn't work out. I dont have it as a back up plan or a crutch but I gained the leap of faith trying.
Relationship have taught me to love to your fullest....Give EVERYone your all even if you know that person will hurt you. There is a reason your in that persons life and where they might have hurt me I bet I helped them somehow and THAT to me means more. I rather have heartache than to be just another person.

That's two of the many recent things I have endured and learned from and I know it says nothing for who I really am sooooo here is better...
i am me and I'm still changing...a piece of work through God

Okay so I bought these fan-freaking-tastic cookies sandwiches with icing holding them together for someones birthday tomorrow and they are in my car and can i just say all I can think about it going out there and devouring one right now. HAHA
(random I know)

cookies with icing, a cup of coffee, lots of love, and a hug

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