Saturday, May 15, 2010

Laugh It Up!

My Week At A Glance....since I have been missing in action.
Lately I have been running over a scripture everywhere I turn. I read a book last night and its in it. I read a friends blog, she's talks on it and has the same scripture at the bottom. Okay Lord, I'm listening....Ive learned that if its said more than once than its important and to pay attention. Sooooo John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." Last night when I was reading this the author was talking about her life and career and the wonderful husband the Lord has brought her. I read my friends blog this morning and she talks about in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! The Lord has overcome the world. It is up to us to realize what plan the Lord has for us and run to it full force. He knows what we need and he knows how to get it to us. You may not see how it can all happen, but God can. He can make a way out of no way. Remember, He has you in the palm of His hand. He knows every need. He knows every struggle. He knows every dream and every desire in your heart, and He has a plan to bring it to pass. He's a supernatural God. Choose to put your faith and trust in Him today because He is working behind the scenes to lead you into victory in every area of your life. My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19

This week has been busy in a "I don't have things going on but I am busy kind of way". Yeah that probably makes no sense. Maybe Ive just been mentally busy...haha. In that mental chaos or busy weeks we have we sometimes don't have time or slip in our daily devotions or prayers. The scripture above gave me comfort in knowing that HE knows even when we don't say it, ask for it, or pray about it. He knows whats best for us. Sometimes its the unspoken things on our heart that he answers. That makes me rest a little in knowing. Not saying slack in prayer though =)

Well I'm officially broke....my summer classes are paid for this summer and I can say I am now a proud owner of my first Macbook laptop....Impressive I know ;)

In the file of things I need to remember...A man at work just came up to me and said he is very impressed with the way I handle people and the different types and varieties of people/patients I work with. He said that combined with a good goals and morals I will go far in life and am sure to succeed. (He has no clue but that means the world to me, I never/hardly ever here that)

You truly never know who is watching you and how you inspire them or the light and hope you give. I encourage you to be the light of the world. Shine Baby Shine =)

So to YOU reading this! You are more beautiful than you know, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine.

to sunny days, a bright future, and your successful life...
always yours
Casey Lynn

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