Monday, May 17, 2010

The Skinny On The Skinny

Its everywhere you turn! People talking about losing weight, who's skinny, who's lost a lot of weight lately, or how much they have lost. Seems like I hear even more about it now that I work in a gym/rehab fitness center. From tabloid magazines to websites keeping up with the celebrity's weights its easy...and I mean really easy to get discourage or down and out about your body. I personally think there is too much pressure put upon people these days with body image and how much one weighs but you also have to look at statistics and the US and the obesity rate. So what is the healthy in between? I myself have been on both ends of the weight spectrum and struggled with both and fluctuacted trying to find a in between. From modeling and being super skinny to now a healthier weight but feeling huge compaired to then sooo whats ideal?

I cant tell you how hard it is for me to talk on this. Weight, its a hard topic no matter the size of the person. And I think women struggle more than men with this issue. Women tend to be a little more vain and superficial then men so we take to heart a few extra pounds we gain. The past few months I have really been struggling with body issues. Well forget the whole past few months...I have struggled my whole life with being comfortable with my body. Even when I was super skinny I felt and thought I was 300 pounds. Even though I am considered normal or I look fine, starting tomorrow I am going back to my healthier days. College has taken a stress toll on me and even though I havent really gained weight Ive lost my motivation and will power. Im hoping to get it back and maybe lose 15 pounds while Im at it. Just some changed I feel like I need to make. So Im praying for the willpower and motivation I use to have. Its nothing but a mindset. So here is to new changes!

to healthier days, motivated workouts, and a happy mindset
always yours
Casey Lynn

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