Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eyes Of The Lord

Ive been inspired and wanted to share it with you. Id love to say its original and that I thought of this but I didnt. It came from a lovely Christian friend of mines blog name Tiffany. The work that this woman is doing for the Father is amazing! She has inspired me to do it also. I have thought this too when I have seen people before. Its a beautiful and selfless things and a wonderful way to give! Im excited to start.

Here’s how it works, wherever I am, not matter what I am doing…if I see a child or a person who just hits my heart like a bug on a windshield…I pray for them. I look right at them and pray over their life. I pray that they choose God, that He protects them, that they grow and serve Him in a mighty way. Perhaps this is the reason that God put that person in your line of sight, that they need prayer at that very instant. You are responsible for the people who cross your path each day!

1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing”

Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

-When you LOOK for opportunities to pray for others, it gives you an exciting expectancy in your heart. You are now on the lookout for next soul you will notify God about…and He will work in their life! Trust Him. You have a PURPOSE now, every single day you are alive. This is our mission! Pray!!!

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