Monday, May 10, 2010

Live What U Love

LIVE WHAT YOU LOVE....A friend of mine just said this to me in conversation a few minutes ago and I thought how true of a statement! We live what we love. If you look at our bank statements and follow our actions long enough you will see what that person lives for. I'm torn at the thought just like I am with a certain situation I am dealing with in my life at the moment. I cant stress enough how actions speak louder than words but today was the first time I actually applied it to my life. What actions are speaking for the loves in my life...? Now that's food for thought..right :)

Lets see...whats new...? Times are fair I guess. I'm just praying for the courage and strength to deal with certain situations in my life right now. For a heart of strength that's covered by the Lord. Times get tough but its all for a reason and sometimes I can see that reason so it makes it not so bad.

Ive been doing a lot of dreaming lately. I forgot how fun it is. Dreaming of the future, dreaming of how I hope life turns out, dreaming of my future life, where I live, what I will do etc. Dreams fuel the fire of inspiration and motivate you to do the desires of your heart. Mine have painted some beautiful pictures lately on cloudy days when I thought all was lost and I was going or getting no where. I encourage you to dream. Dream, even if it is little things, they are what help make the big things amazing.

I'm getting writers block....or A.D.D. haha


Remember the tragedy in life is not death but its a life without purpose!
Go make a difference and be proud of the life your living and the actions to show for it!

always yours
leaving you with dreams, love, and hopes for a happy life
Casey Lynn

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