Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Things Are Coming!

Today I just feel like complaining! I didnt have anything positive to say and couldnt think of anything uplifting to encourage myself with. I just got back from a wonderful mind/stress erasing weekend with my family at the beach and the last thing I wanted to do was get up early this morning and drive home to be a work at 3. It seems like the things you run away from to take a break from or escape are always there waiting for you when you return from vacation. I dont know why I thought it would be better or that they had simply vanished. It seems right after Im defeated I read something that helps me or makes me think about things for truly what they are. It was simply put that we will all have "bad days" or "bad things" will happen. Its not our job to question and figure out WHY things are happening the way they are or why this bad thing happend. We are to simply make the best of it and the better we will be! But sometimes that is SOOOO hard to do...right?!?! I will be the first to say I rather pout and cry and wonder why then move on and make the best of it and have a better attitude and say good things will come my way. Instead of wasting time on the now and asking myself why this, why that, why do I feel this way, why has so and so hurt me. I am going to put my thoughts towards positive things that are happening or be grateful for what I DO have. The bad things that happen and the things we question why a lot of times are the things that make us stronger. Its hard going through it and its a painful process but we learn from it and HE would never give us more than we can take! Thats one of my favorite things to remind myself when I want to quit or just run when the going gets tough.
He never gives us more than we can take!
Im so thankful for a positive friend I have in my life to encourage and lift me up. She truly is an example and someone I hope to be like more and more everyday. I wish I was more positive and I wish I had her attitude about life and hard times soooo I am praying for a more positive outlook and the faith in knowing it will all work out for the good. So if your going through hard times, a bad relationship, rough time with friends, or loss of a loved one, I pray for the all the strenght in the world for you and happiness in knowing the Lord will see you through it.

Daily Quote/Love Mission:
I dont know why I have this quote on my mind but I do. So I thought I would share. So here is the story behind it now. Okay so about a year ago I was getting a tattoo on my leg,(a cross on the back of my ankle if you really want to know) and as I was laying there I was looking around the room at all of the tattoo artists stickers and posters and such he had all over the room. I saw this little piece of paper and on it it simply said " Be nice to people, for you never really know what they are going through". It struck my little heart funny, I cant even explain. I know this is something we all have heard a million times but reading it that day it brought new meaning to my life and how I viewed others. Sometimes in life I think we hear things and read things but sometimes it takes just the right moment for it to sink in or make an impact. So I leave you with that quote. Lets all start thinking of others and helping others before we judge or spew negative words at them. For we never really know what that person could be going through.

"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."

Lots of love your way, positive thoughts, kind words, and a hug with a smile through the hard times!!

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