Friday, April 9, 2010

Worry Free..?

"Cast the whole of your care–all you anxieties, all your worries, all you concerns, once and for all-on Him; for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully." There are three truths we can glean out of this one verse:

-God never intended for you to carry your own burdens.

-You have to do something when it comes to worry.
It takes humility to say, God, I give this problem to You because You can take care of it much better that I can.

-Only then will you fully release the weight of each problem to Him. Worry, like other negative thoughts, is actually a thief-stealing our peace, energy, time and joy.

Each time you have a negative thought, pull it down with prayer and declare you are NOT going to dewell on it anymore.

I have SO many worries and insecurities that A LOT of time I feel hopeless and like a T total wreck and think to myself...wow there has got to be something wrong with me. No one else could possibly feel like this or have the same thoughts as I do. It doesnt matter though. The only thing that counts is HE can change it and he will take care of it. Half the time I just worry and get upset over it and never give it over to the Lord. He wants us to cast our worries upon him though! He cares that much. I just need to do it and KNOW that it will get better and this feeling want last. Coming from someone that feels so defeated and hopeless I wish you a many worriless days =) OUR God will take care of it!

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