Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Half Empty or Half Full

In life I believe we all carry emotional buckets, so to speak. We know that some people in the world are bucket fillers. These are the people who pour into you and encourage you. They leave you feeling better about yourself and life than you did before encountering them. And then there are bucket dippers. These people are often running on empty themselves and deplete others of their strength and energy. Some people just suck you dry. We all go through times when our emotional bucket is running low and we need to be refreshed.

The question today is: Who is filling your emotional bucket?

When you go through those low seasons, it can be tempting to look for fulfillment in material possessions, addictions or from other people. But the truth is nothing or no one can satisfy you and fill you up the way Jesus can. He is the source of all joy, peace, love and contentment. Relationships are good and we need people in our lives, but we can't depend on people to keep us going. Only God can keep us going. Only God can heal our hearts and restore our souls!!! Yes, He will use people in our lives, but if we want to live truly satisfied and happy, we have to know Who our source is and go to The Source when we are in need.

Today, if you've been looking to others to fill you up and keep you happy, if you've been waiting for something to change in your life in order to be content, decide today to be the one who changes. Instead of waiting for a trickle of happiness from the world, get your bucket filled to overflowing from the One who has an unlimited supply. Lift up your eyes to Jesus...the ultimate bucket filler =) He loves you with an everlasting love and is ready to refresh you and pour into your life today.

But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again… John 4:14

overflowing buckets of love, contentment, and happiness,

always yours


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