Thursday, August 4, 2011

Picture This...

As I sat on my toilet after showering today and cried/wept/pleaded with God for answers and direction in my life I realized that I needed to do something NOW. I may not get answers or the direction I am looking for today, tomorrow, or within a month but today I have to give my 100 percent and try to see where it takes me. So with that said I feel led to try photography. Its weird. I don't even know why or how I thought of it but before I knew it it was something I had been planning out in my mind for hours. How do I start? What camera do I use? Who will I practice shooting? Where will I get the money for a nice camera? AND then the biggest question of them all...WHAT DO I REALLY KNOW ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY?

Then the list came of why I shouldn't do this...
I don't have experience.
I never went to school for photography.
I don't have a portfolio.
You cant make a living off of being a photographer.
Who would hire me for something like that around here.
Where exactly would it take me.

The reasons why I believe I can do photography...
I have an eye for it.
I have the ideas.
I have the creativity behind it.
I am always taking pictures.
I drive by so many things through out the day and think wow that would be a cool picture with so and so standing in front of it or this or that.
Even as a little kid I have always loved looking at pictures.
I scrap book. Not because I have been a lot of wonderful places but because I appreciate photography.
Anytime I go out with someone..friends or boyfriend I am always the one to think oh we need a picture of this.
If I go out of town I always take a lot of pictures and try to capture my surroundings behind the lens.

I guess like the cliche saying goes " a picture is worth a thousand words" meaning that the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. A picture tells a story just as well as a large amount of descriptive text. After all beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone looks at everything and sees the same. Maybe this is where the Lord is leading me. Maybe I dreamed it all up. We will see..

the girl behind the lens

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