Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Whats NEXT...

I’ve known people who jump from relationship to relationship. I’ve seen celebrities divorce and before the ink on the divorce papers dry, they’re already engaged to someone else. Is this healthy? Is it so challenging to be single for longer than five minutes? If you don’t take time to learn who you are, then how can you attract the right person into your life? There seems to be this rush, a surge of urgency to find someone to love or to be loved by; when that one person isn’t floating your boat anymore why do we scream, NEXT!?!?!

I’ve noticed that so many people never really grasp how loved they are. People seem to get value from how much money they make, how much stuff they have, how many friends are in their contacts, or what their job title is. Even though God wants you and I to live in abundance and enjoy nice things, remember that God does not want you to rely on material things to make you happy or to determine your worth. People break up, things fade, brake, get old, and become out dated. Real love is more valuable than material objects or fleshly needs.

We all want love. I’ve learned that the best love, the most stable dependable love ever found is the love that God has for me. God loves each one of us so much. There are so many scriptures that talk about God’s love for us. If you are breathing, then you have purpose. Turn to God for your love and worth. The next time you find yourself single, turn to God for sending you the right mate. The next time you feel alone, don’t feel the need to turn to a relationship for validation. I heard this wise lady explain how you should not spend your time looking for that right person to be in a relationship with; instead, you should be spending your time working on yourself so that you can become the right person to be in a relationship with. This is priceless information. If you work on yourself (and obviously I’m going to recommend working on yourself with God’s help) you will learn what you need, want and require in order to be in a healthy relationship; Take the time to discover who has those qualities instead of kissing a bunch of toads. Just think of all the heart aches you could have saved by taking your time.

Don’t spend your time looking for the next job, the next car, the next relationship, the next anything to make you happy. Be happy with who God made you to be. It’s good to have goals and dreams; God wants to give you the desires of your heart. But while you dream, remember its God you trust with your dreams. You are enough in this moment, even while you wait for those dreams to come, and when you see others reach their dreams before you. Develop the best you, because you never know what amazing thing will show up next.

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