someone else as...
"oh she is a nut"
" he is crazy"
"she is a mess"
Someone again remind me why people are obsessed with labeling people. And why are the good people never labeled? I don't know about you but usually when someone is telling me about someone else and say "yeah she is a mess" doesnt it make you intrigued and you want to know more, you want to know that person and see first hand how much of a mess or how crazy she really is. But when someone says "oh she so sweet" its just generic, not intriguing and your just another nice person in the world. Why is it backwards?
Back to my example. I called my boyfriend after I got off work and it came up in conversation again about me meeting this lady that he had refereed to as " a trip". So I simply asked what do you mean? He said she was the one I was telling you about taking her 18 year old daughter and her boyfriend to a bar. She is also the one that tried to sneak her 16 year old daughters friend into a bar with her. Okay.....So my point. Why is it always people like this are the ones remembered? Usually when someone says "oh they are a mess" or "she is crazy" they normally follow up with someone crazy story about how they were at a party blah blah blah and then the next thing I know Linda Lou is doing hand stands in her underwear or some crap like that. Do you ever wonder what people say about you? I don't know about you but I don't have any crazy stories. I am just a regular ol girl that works hard, gives a 100 percent in life, and just wants to be appreciated by someone. Why aren't normal regular people ever recognized? What's being said about you? I guess you attract the crowd of people that are attracted to you by what others are saying of you.
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