Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dont Give Up...

Keep your hopes alive and your heart and chin even higher...No matter what is going on. Think of it as getting you stronger and more prepared for greatness!! I believe in you and love you...if no one else told you that today, I did! And I mean it, you can do anything. Your options are endless. Don't give up you got a reason to live! On cold, boring, restless days think of something great that has happended in your life whether it was a amazing trip you took or a huge accomplishment and remember its only the beginning. God has plenty more he wants to bless you with! Just believe in him and be grateful. Good Things Are Coming Friend!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Say Hello To My Lil Friend....

That's Arlee Mae AKA The Mae-i-nator and I =) haha...that little dog makes me so happy and is such a blessing in my life words cant describe. No real update today, just dropping in to say happy Friday! Ohh wait...UPDATE on the prayer for others thing...I went to Starbucks today before work to waste time and I was sitting there just people watching by the window and a man walked by and stopped by the trash can and picked through it and pulled out a drink with what was left of some sort of a tea and drank it. It hit me hard and immediately I started praying for that man. I couldn't imagine being homeless or hungry and not knowing where my next meal came from. Right as I was about to eat a rice crispy treat I had bought from Starbucks I decided I didn't want it and thought about how I could give it to that man without coming off pushy. He walked away and disappeared for a little while and I am not going to lie I got side tracked and immediately started thinking of all the stressful crap on my little brain. But as I was walking out he just so happened to be right on my path and way to my car. He asked me for money and I told him I didn't have any but had a rice crispy treat that he was more than welcome to have. He took it and didn't say anything. I just wonder if he ate it....

too helping others more, being the light for others, and to a good weekend... (Im off memorial day..yay)
Casey Lynn

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eyes Of The Lord

Ive been inspired and wanted to share it with you. Id love to say its original and that I thought of this but I didnt. It came from a lovely Christian friend of mines blog name Tiffany. The work that this woman is doing for the Father is amazing! She has inspired me to do it also. I have thought this too when I have seen people before. Its a beautiful and selfless things and a wonderful way to give! Im excited to start.

Here’s how it works, wherever I am, not matter what I am doing…if I see a child or a person who just hits my heart like a bug on a windshield…I pray for them. I look right at them and pray over their life. I pray that they choose God, that He protects them, that they grow and serve Him in a mighty way. Perhaps this is the reason that God put that person in your line of sight, that they need prayer at that very instant. You are responsible for the people who cross your path each day!

1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing”

Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

-When you LOOK for opportunities to pray for others, it gives you an exciting expectancy in your heart. You are now on the lookout for next soul you will notify God about…and He will work in their life! Trust Him. You have a PURPOSE now, every single day you are alive. This is our mission! Pray!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I got a G

Say Hello To My G......
I got a new car today! Im excited and scared at the same time...haha. The only reason I was scared is for the fact that I cant say with signing a 5 year contract where I will be in life. And that SCARED me big time. You know I could get this car and in a few months lose my job or something go wrong. Who can predict 5 years or much less next week. But as I laid in bed last night I sat there and thought that NO ONE in life would EVER do anything if we never stepped out there and took a leap of faith. No one would ever buy a car, ever buy a house, or we'd ever have children if we always thought...well what if. So that is simply what I did. I took a leap of faith and I stepped out there and said God will provided! I am trusting him. I give God the Glory for this nice blessing!
He will provided.

to a new car, faith in the Lord, and leaps of Faith
Casey Lynn

Sunday, May 23, 2010


The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Random Notes

People with unkind hurting hearts, hurt people. People with happy hearts, make others happy.

A lot of times we are being blessed more than we know and we might not see the process taking place but it is taking place. God loves us, he knows what we need but he wants us to learn along the way and be happy in the process. Things are taken for granted if just given to someone. Some things in life were said to be impossible, until they were done. I'm learning to be happy in the process and help others around me. I use to close up and not talk to anyone when I had things going on in my life or something was bothering me, so I changed. I started opening up and talking about issues and problems I was facing and still nothing changed. Ive learned its not about entrusting people or friends with your problems its about being there for them. People don't solve your problem and truly that cant solve yours but sometimes its just having someone that genuinely cares and listens that helps.

to a happy heart, helping others, and success
always yours
Casey Lynn

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nothing We Do Is Ever In Vein

Everything happends for a reason and although we feel defeated by the tragedies presented to us in life, we must always remember that for every action there is a reaction, and nothing we do is ever in vein!

Ive been down lately. My car is messed up and I have no stinking clue whats wrong with it....just great...perfect timing! I dont have the money for a new car and I dont honestly want to put money in the one I have. Id be putting more money into it than its worth. So what do I do? Life sure has a way of getting you down at times. Its seems at the roughest times when you need good people around you to hold you up they are few and far between. I have a few to lean on and I am thankful for the ones I have. I have a friend that continues to always be there for me no matter the situation. It seems he has a sense on things and when they will go bad and he's always the first to arise. He has no clue what it means to me. My dad continues to provided for me in times of need also and I am continuley thankful for him as well even though I wish he would just tell me how and where to fix all of my problems..lol. What can you do, its in his plans to make me a functional independent woman by letting me figure it out on my own. He's probably right anyway..I guess if he knew I couldnt handle it then he wouldnt not try to help. I am also stuggling with my schedule right now and having so much free time on my hands. I am praying that the choices I have made for school and qutting one of my jobs was the best decision. Right now I will wait the wonder, trust in him and see where the Lord takes me. I love the quote above. Its beyond comforting to know in times of need.

to happy days, dependable cars, and easier times
always yours
Casey Lynn

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Skinny On The Skinny

Its everywhere you turn! People talking about losing weight, who's skinny, who's lost a lot of weight lately, or how much they have lost. Seems like I hear even more about it now that I work in a gym/rehab fitness center. From tabloid magazines to websites keeping up with the celebrity's weights its easy...and I mean really easy to get discourage or down and out about your body. I personally think there is too much pressure put upon people these days with body image and how much one weighs but you also have to look at statistics and the US and the obesity rate. So what is the healthy in between? I myself have been on both ends of the weight spectrum and struggled with both and fluctuacted trying to find a in between. From modeling and being super skinny to now a healthier weight but feeling huge compaired to then sooo whats ideal?

I cant tell you how hard it is for me to talk on this. Weight, its a hard topic no matter the size of the person. And I think women struggle more than men with this issue. Women tend to be a little more vain and superficial then men so we take to heart a few extra pounds we gain. The past few months I have really been struggling with body issues. Well forget the whole past few months...I have struggled my whole life with being comfortable with my body. Even when I was super skinny I felt and thought I was 300 pounds. Even though I am considered normal or I look fine, starting tomorrow I am going back to my healthier days. College has taken a stress toll on me and even though I havent really gained weight Ive lost my motivation and will power. Im hoping to get it back and maybe lose 15 pounds while Im at it. Just some changed I feel like I need to make. So Im praying for the willpower and motivation I use to have. Its nothing but a mindset. So here is to new changes!

to healthier days, motivated workouts, and a happy mindset
always yours
Casey Lynn

Broken Heart


Number of emails from people with broken heart: 874,498,387

And millions of heart are hurting and broken, in the world right now.

I hope this little post will help some hearts...somewhere.

SCENE 1: you have just been left with a heart that feels so broken, you just want to sleep, you don't want to be awake and feel anything! You can't imagine how your life will go on with any kind of happiness without this person in your life. You are already imagining, that no one will ever be as great as them.

SCENE 2: you have been or are in an abusive relationship, someone that verbally abuses you (saying horrible hurtful things that will forever scar your heart), physically abuses you (hurting you in any way), mentally abuses you (controls you, manipulates situations, scares you, threatens you), or even sexually abuses you (any form of touching that you don't want).
now enters the voice of help!

For #1 with a
broken heart: No one that is willing to let you go or hurt your heart, or leave you...is good enough to EVER be the one to hold your precious heart in their hands. Someone that has no idea how amazing you are, how irreplaceable you are, how unique how adorable, how beautiful, how someone will come into your life and say, "I don't ever want to live without you in my life, and I'll never, ever think of leaving you!". Someone is going to adore how you laugh, love the sound of your voice, think that you make everything more fun, how you are the most amazing thing they've ever seen, that nothing could take them away from you. That they'd walk through fire, drive for hours, just to see your face.
If you ARE or WERE with someone that didn't realize you were the best thing on Earth....GOOD RIDDANCE!!! Because they don't deserve one more second of your time or tears!
You are one of a kind amazing! They way you say things, the way you laugh, the way you dance or sing, the funny things you so, the quirky things you do...these are all what someone is going to FALL HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH!!! And if someone doesn't...DON'T waste your time with them...because the person that's going to LOVE all those things and you, is rejoicing that, that other person is out of the way, so they can come and find you!
Even though I don't normally listen to country music, I love the song, "God Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts
in the song it says,
"Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

This is beautiful....that each person that broke your heart, needed to get out of your life, so the right one, one that will never hurt you, can come into your life. They will adore you, cherish you, and gently hold your heart, and will go out of their way to make sure your heart is never hurt!
I've been hurt many times, I've been cheated on, dumped, I've been in abusive relationships, and I'm so glad I'm not in any of those anymore! I even dated a guy that told me how beautiful he thought other girls were and how he had "crushes" on them, in front of me! (oh brother!) Thank goodness I said "enough!", they dumped me, or I got the courage to leave them, and end that horrible time in my life!

Now for #2
an abusive relationship
If you are with someone that constantly hurts your feelings, makes you feel miserable, unhappy, stupid, ugly, sad, depressed, worthless...ANY one of those! That is not a soul mate....that is a mean mate!
And if you are with someone that hurts you, hits you, threatens you (with anything) scares you for any reason, (especially if they drink or do drugs...they will think even worse!).
I was in an abusive relationship, where I was afraid of everything, I was afraid to leave my house, I was told horrible things, I was threatened, and he had a huge anger problem, the police had to be called, I didn't have any money or any food to eat. And the horrible part was, I was so afraid to leave him, that he would be even more mad and find me. Or he would promise me he wouldn't do any of that again and he was sooooo sorry! WELL THAT'S THE ABUSIVE CYCLE!!! (THEY'RE MEAN, THEN THEY FEEL BAD, APOLOGIZE, SAY THEY WON'T DO IT AGAIN.....AND JUST WAIT...IT'S A GUARANTEE THEY'LL DO IT AGAIN! It just comes down to how long you're going to stay and keep going through that emotional cycle.

I prayed and asked God to get me out of there! And sure enough, it was by a miracle, we were getting kicked out of the apartment we lived in, I called my mom, she bought me a plane ticket, he even drove me to the airport, and once I was safely at my mom and dad's, I said, I can't come back. I's had enough! I knew, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Your heart heart shouldn't hurt when you're in love!

So, to each of you precious souls...you were made so fantastically! You are funny, witty, brilliant, cute, adorable, you have your own style, your own way of making people's lives fun. People should want to be wherever you are....because wherever you are....life is more fun, because you are in it!

Don't settle...you deserve the best! And the best is waiting for this "broken heart" to be pointed in their direction, that whoever hurt you, is the Northern Star, that is pointing you right to the one that will NEVER, EVER hurt you.

And remember, your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife....is not your whole world! They are there to support and be a companion, but remember, as soon as they get placed on a pedestal....that's a promise that you are putting them too high on your life list...and you're giving them control to definitely hurt you! Every human being at some point will disappoint you, hurt you, make you sad...they aren't perfect. The only person who's never stop loving me is God. Boyfriends, girlfriends, even husbands and wives (ha ha ha), may come and go...but God and your family will always be there love you!

I love you...and don't let another tear fall from your eyes. I wish I could be there to hug you and tell you, "No, rejoice that now, you're true soul mate, is free to find you! Be patient, they are on their way!"

huge love, chocolate and lots of love, typed with love, kandee

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Laugh It Up!

My Week At A Glance....since I have been missing in action.
Lately I have been running over a scripture everywhere I turn. I read a book last night and its in it. I read a friends blog, she's talks on it and has the same scripture at the bottom. Okay Lord, I'm listening....Ive learned that if its said more than once than its important and to pay attention. Sooooo John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." Last night when I was reading this the author was talking about her life and career and the wonderful husband the Lord has brought her. I read my friends blog this morning and she talks about in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! The Lord has overcome the world. It is up to us to realize what plan the Lord has for us and run to it full force. He knows what we need and he knows how to get it to us. You may not see how it can all happen, but God can. He can make a way out of no way. Remember, He has you in the palm of His hand. He knows every need. He knows every struggle. He knows every dream and every desire in your heart, and He has a plan to bring it to pass. He's a supernatural God. Choose to put your faith and trust in Him today because He is working behind the scenes to lead you into victory in every area of your life. My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19

This week has been busy in a "I don't have things going on but I am busy kind of way". Yeah that probably makes no sense. Maybe Ive just been mentally busy...haha. In that mental chaos or busy weeks we have we sometimes don't have time or slip in our daily devotions or prayers. The scripture above gave me comfort in knowing that HE knows even when we don't say it, ask for it, or pray about it. He knows whats best for us. Sometimes its the unspoken things on our heart that he answers. That makes me rest a little in knowing. Not saying slack in prayer though =)

Well I'm officially broke....my summer classes are paid for this summer and I can say I am now a proud owner of my first Macbook laptop....Impressive I know ;)

In the file of things I need to remember...A man at work just came up to me and said he is very impressed with the way I handle people and the different types and varieties of people/patients I work with. He said that combined with a good goals and morals I will go far in life and am sure to succeed. (He has no clue but that means the world to me, I never/hardly ever here that)

You truly never know who is watching you and how you inspire them or the light and hope you give. I encourage you to be the light of the world. Shine Baby Shine =)

So to YOU reading this! You are more beautiful than you know, more talented than you think, and more loved than you can imagine.

to sunny days, a bright future, and your successful life...
always yours
Casey Lynn

Monday, May 10, 2010

Live What U Love

LIVE WHAT YOU LOVE....A friend of mine just said this to me in conversation a few minutes ago and I thought how true of a statement! We live what we love. If you look at our bank statements and follow our actions long enough you will see what that person lives for. I'm torn at the thought just like I am with a certain situation I am dealing with in my life at the moment. I cant stress enough how actions speak louder than words but today was the first time I actually applied it to my life. What actions are speaking for the loves in my life...? Now that's food for thought..right :)

Lets see...whats new...? Times are fair I guess. I'm just praying for the courage and strength to deal with certain situations in my life right now. For a heart of strength that's covered by the Lord. Times get tough but its all for a reason and sometimes I can see that reason so it makes it not so bad.

Ive been doing a lot of dreaming lately. I forgot how fun it is. Dreaming of the future, dreaming of how I hope life turns out, dreaming of my future life, where I live, what I will do etc. Dreams fuel the fire of inspiration and motivate you to do the desires of your heart. Mine have painted some beautiful pictures lately on cloudy days when I thought all was lost and I was going or getting no where. I encourage you to dream. Dream, even if it is little things, they are what help make the big things amazing.

I'm getting writers block....or A.D.D. haha


Remember the tragedy in life is not death but its a life without purpose!
Go make a difference and be proud of the life your living and the actions to show for it!

always yours
leaving you with dreams, love, and hopes for a happy life
Casey Lynn

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when their right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together...."
— Marilyn Monroe

I fall in love with this quote the more time passes and the more people change for unexpected reason. Am I the only one that feels that I havent changed and everything and everyone around me is chaning without me...? I pray that its just me that doesnt realize how much I truly have changed. I have so many things that I want to change. So many dreams and hopes for the future...I just hope I am apart of those wonderful dream filling changes I have in my head. Everything happens for a reason Casey Lynn!
Everything happens for a reason Friend!

to many new good changes, dreams, and a hopeful heart for a bright happy future!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I don't type must about me, for the most part my blogs consist of daily encouraging messages or biblical stuff from my daily devotions. Soooo I am not gonna lie and say I just wanna type about me today...truth is I have a new schedule and I haven't done my daily devotions in the past few days. Therefore nothing inspiring on the brain today. Gosh that sounds so disappointing typing that out! Ha

Anyway on to ME....who are we and what makes us up or who we are for what reason? Have you ever thought that? I have and explaining myself or telling someone or even describing myself is harder to me than writing a 100 page paper for school. Sad I know. You say well maybe you really don't fully know yourself. And Id say your probably right. Do we ever really know our self? I feel like with every season we all change a little. And boy have these past few months been a doozy for me.
In some many ways I feel stronger, not physically but mentally... I feel at ease with certain decisions I have made and certain things that I have come to a close with. One pertaining to a job. A job I have worked at for 5 years. A place I despised for so long that I now no longer have to call work. But also a feeling of emptiness and fear of failure it leaves me if what I am pursuing doesn't work out. I dont have it as a back up plan or a crutch but I gained the leap of faith trying.
Relationship have taught me to love to your fullest....Give EVERYone your all even if you know that person will hurt you. There is a reason your in that persons life and where they might have hurt me I bet I helped them somehow and THAT to me means more. I rather have heartache than to be just another person.

That's two of the many recent things I have endured and learned from and I know it says nothing for who I really am sooooo here is better...
i am me and I'm still changing...a piece of work through God

Okay so I bought these fan-freaking-tastic cookies sandwiches with icing holding them together for someones birthday tomorrow and they are in my car and can i just say all I can think about it going out there and devouring one right now. HAHA
(random I know)

cookies with icing, a cup of coffee, lots of love, and a hug